15 drawings on cells that will help to cope with stress


15 drawings on cells that will help to cope with stress

Children and adults will be happy to repeat them.

Why create drawings on cells

First, it's easy. Cells on paper serve as a guideline for the figure outline. To portray something, you just need to paint the desired. Secondly, it is interesting. Drawing is always a creative process. And with such pictures, even those who do not have special skills.

In addition, the coloring helps to improve the mood, overcome stress and reduce the level of anxiety Indomized Controlled Trial of Adult Therapeutic Coloring for the Management of Significant Anxiety in the Emergency Department, because creativity and creating something with your own hands has the Neurological Basis of Occupation on the Brain Impact, similar With the effect of meditation.

What you need

Materials and tools for such creativity will be, perhaps, in any house. The main thing is the airtal sheets into the cell. Normal paper will not suit, otherwise the entire meaning of these drawings will be lost.

For drawing, you also need a marker or pencil. If you want to paint drawings, take colored markers or pencils. And if you do not have them, you can use a simple pencil, adjusting pressure and tint.

How to draw in cells

To do this, it is enough just to repeat, that is, sketch, already ready image from a picture or video. For convenience, you can first mark points, ticks or cross those cells that need to be painted and then - if desired - to circle them for clarity.

When do you have a hand, you can try to invent pictures yourself. In all the videos, the author makes drawings from scratch: notes the necessary cells, goes all the contours and gives color. Therefore, the process first seems complicated, but only at first glance.

Choose that method that is more convenient to you: refine the finished image or repeat the author from the very beginning.

What can be painted by cells

There are a lot of options. Here are just a few of them.


To draw it, you need to designate the contours and paint the entire space inside. You can also leave several cells white - so the ball will look more comprehensive.

A heart

Upon the same analogy, you can draw a heart. This drawing is completely symmetrical, with the exception of light cells.


Inside this smile, there is also an immature space - a smile. But, unlike the previous ones, it constitutes part of the figure, so the contour should be made for it.


In some figures, the cells are painted between the main contours of the cells, as on cherries in the video below. If you are afraid to make mistakes, first circle the desired cells or mark them in color.


In this picture, the designated contours of the cells are just visible, which the author painted gray.


Another symmetrical drawing, not symmetrical only eyes. This image is desirable to give color so that the penguin is recognizable thanks to its colors.


This image is pretty simple. Only contours can be made and depict your eyes and mouth. And you can repeat the author and add color spots.


Such a cat is also easy to draw. Almost the entire drawing is symmetrical, except for the tail on the right. Optionally, you can add color.

Mickey Mouse

For the famous mouse, colored markers and pencils do not need. The side of the picture is completely the same.


This drawing is more complicated, because there is no symmetry in it.


The same with this image. It is better to paint - so the drawing will look much better.


The drawing of the bear will also look more interesting if you make it color.


Almost all the contours of this drawing are straight, so they will not draw them to work. Feature of owls - in the color. In order not to get confused, it is necessary to circle the boundaries of the cells that will need to add color.

A fox

It is also recognizable due to the color. The drawing is not symmetrical, as it may seem at first glance, so be careful when drawing contours.


To create it, red and blue markers or pencils will be needed, since it is in such colors a superhero costume is made.


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