How to choose a broom for a bath?


How to choose a broom for a bath?

Each amateur shakes accurately knows: go to a Russian bath without a broom - it means in vain to waste time. How to become the owner of a broom - everyone decides himself. You can buy, you can score from friends, you can tie with your own hands. Each method has its advantages and supporters, there are shortcomings and opponents. The purchase may be uncomfortable for a particular steamhouse, there is no guarantee that all the rules and rules adopted for this procedure have been followed. The same applies to the questioned, except that friends will not fade a poor-quality or ecologically "dirty" broom.

The most reliable is to prepare brooms yourself and go to the Russian bath with such a broom. If you observe all the simple rules during the manufacture, it will be an ideal tool for maximum benefits and pleasure in the steam room. Only such a method of acquisition will give full confidence that the process of cleansing will not be overshadowed by discomfort or injury.


The timing of the billet brooms depend on the branches of which plants are used for this purpose. However, there is a general rule: you need to start a billet when useful juices have already accumulated in the young foliage. In the middle lane of Russia, this moment coincides with the church holiday of the Trinity. But for some species, other terms are suitable. For example, oak brooms for the bath is better to harvest in the period from mid-August to mid-September.

For this work, you choose a dry day, branches cut better in the afternoon, when the moisture from the rain and morning dew will dry on the leaves. The preserved droplets will spoil the leaves, lead to their darkening.


For the workpiece of brooms choose a place, quite remote from numerous modern pollutants. It is unacceptable to prepare these bath accessories nearby lively highway and railway highways. In such places, harmful emissions of automotive and locomotive engines, pairs of poisonous goods and other unhealthy "gifts" of civilization settle on the leaves to evaporate much later, in a hot and damp bath to evaporate and make an atmosphere of a poisonous, destructive for health.

The same applies to places adjacent to industrial enterprises. Preparing a broom in such an area, you can get a "Slow Action Bomb", directed against the steamberry and its loved ones.


The most difficult to fans of exotic: to prepare the self-bamboo broom for the bath in our areas is quite problematic. And to those who prefer the trees more common in us - the total expansed.

Broom in Ban

Cut need young branches of trees that are not damaged by any infection. This guarantees the lengthy preservation of the broom in the original form. For neat work, you need to use a secateur or sharp knife.

Usually chosen branches having a length of about half a meter. It is better to take those that have one or two forklinka, and not look just "whip". Of these, the broom turns beautiful, lush. Sliced ​​shoots carefully come through and sorted. Remove the lower leaves and twigs located at the root level of the broom. Separate branches are collected in bundles, the dimensions of which depend on the personal preferences of the steamber, and are not very tightly tied with a twine, wire or strong thread. After that, brooms are associated in pairs, because it is in this form that it is best to store them.

How to dry?

Drying brooms - an important and mandatory stage in the process of the workpiece. Although there are exceptions. For example, a fir broom for a bath to use better immediately after the workpiece or try to keep in a frozen form. But in general, there are clear rules and canons, the neglect of which will negate the entire work done earlier, will lead to irrevocable lover of leaves.

Drying need to be produced in a shaded room having good ventilation. Brooms should hang at height from two meters, not touching the floor. This is done so that they freely acquired the desired form, which in this case will hold on very long. It should not hang in tight brooms, there should be a gap between them.

A more uniform drying is achieved by periodic turning. Brooms dried in compliance with these norms are obtained simply great, they can envy the most silent amateur and a steam case.

Final preparation

Before you go to a bath of a broom, you should go through. Thicker and hard branches are shifted inside, and elastic thin - outwards. The resulting set is tightly binding to the twine, an ax or a knife is removed, protruding ends. The broom handle makes a convenient for hand, usually the length of it is two widths of the palm. The root of the broom along the entire length is wrapped with a piece of fabric or rope to eliminate the possibility of injury from the branches of branches.

Blets of brooms

Before using a broom, it is necessary to twist.

What brooms to harvest?

It is impossible to say which broom is better for a bath. The choice depends on personal preferences, uniform standards does not exist. Our ancestors since ancient times made them of a variety of trees, because each of the plants has its advantages for the human body.

Birch broom for a bath is very popular. But this does not mean that there is no place for other species in the Russian bath. Frequently used and have a lot of fans such brooms like:

  • oak;
  • lime;
  • juniper;
  • cherrych
  • poplar;
  • maple;
  • eucalyptus;
  • coniferous.

Each of them has its own characteristics:

- Birch, well cattone heat, massage the skin. Leaves and kidneys, and bark, and birch juice have healing properties, so birch brooms are so popular in the baths. Birch broom is indispensable with

Muscular and articular pains, for example, after severe physical exertion.

- Oak broom has a soothing and anti-inflammatory effect and is very useful for people with high physical and mental load. Oak brooms are useful to use with oily skin.

- Eucalyptus, give a unique fragrance;

- Juniper broom will contribute to improved blood circulation, the bactericidal properties are not equal.

- Normal, is an excellent tool with radiculitis and joint diseases.

- Pijm, perfectly suited to people suffering from chronic kidney diseases and bladder

- Walking broom creates a unique steppe fragrance in a pair, but so strong that not all is well tolerated. In this case, you can combine one or two sprigs of wormwood with a birch broom. The fragrance will be weaker, and the healing effect is sufficient.

- A rowan broom is flexible, soft, whisp. He is well disinfecting the air of the steam.

- Lime, has antipyretic, bronchorated, bactericidal and diuretic properties.

Each broom is useful in its own way and good. It is important to know how to apply it. The best use of fresh brooms, only they contain many essential oils, phytoncides and other biologically active substances.

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