Mobile lawlessness from biline: how to deal? Instruction


Prehistory. I had an excellent rate: everything for 1000 is archived from 2015. I took it for the absolute unlimited 4G Internet and the opportunity to share the Internet with another two SIM cards for free. After all, if infinity is divided into three, then everyone will get infinity, right? Large packs of minutes and sms did not worry me absolutely. I was hoping that by the time of moving to a private house, it is unlikely to run out of a wired Internet, there will be a confident taking and I will not need to wear in search of a convenient, fast and cheap Internet. Wait for the bright side?

Mobile lawlessness from biline: how to deal? Instruction

A few days ago, I accidentally discovered a strange thing in my personal account: a restriction of 30GB of traffic was suddenly a limit on my unlimited archival tariff, and this limit suddenly was exhausted, although the promised speed limit I did not feel (Beeline made changes to the tricks of the tricks and simply did not have time Make edits to biling. The brakes began only the next day).

And the "Internet to all" service is now also unavailable. More internet will not share :(

Mobile lawlessness from biline: how to deal? Instruction

I turned to a hotline where I was informed than the joyful news that:

- Just yesterday (07/11/2017) Beeline unilaterally changed the tariff conditions.

- Yes, they had to send an SMS with a warning, but were not sent. It happens, Cho. Applications Application issued. They will figure it out. But still, we will not change the tariff.

- Beeline under the terms of the contract necessarily places news on its website 10 days before the change in the tariff. But four (4 !!!) four operators of Bilayne Call Center never could find this news on the site.

I am not naive and clearly understand my chances of knowing with the girls of the first line of technical support: they are close to zero. There they work according to standard brifs and cannot deviate from the instructions or Iot. Even if it is obvious that there is some kind of guinea instructions, it will still be on your own.

Therefore began to prepare. To begin with, he went into a few positive court decisions that he inspired me somewhat. Re-read the contract, several laws and regulations and began to act. In parallel, Troll Beeline in his Facebook

I want to say that now I manage to talk to the Collier, only by calling every time with the new number. They add me blacklist with an infinite expectation of the operator's response. It can be seen, I am strongly with them 

Running forward will say that those who hit the next wave of tariff changes need to hurry. There is only 15 days from the moment of changing the tariff for the adoption of decisive action. Week of them have already passed. There is, however, Lazeka is one ... But about everything in order

Let's figure out what the Beeline is creating and on what basis.

Let's open a reference

it Directory of the Subscriber - A set of rules and conditions regulating the relationship between the telecom operator Beeline and the Subscriber

To begin with, we will define what a contract between Bilayin and the Subscriber.

Download the document of the Communication Service Treaty Blanc 02

We read:

Blank of the contract, the conditions for the provision of boulders' communication services, the conditions adopted under the contract of public offer, the procedure for the change in the Treaty of Communication Services "Beeline", a tariff plan, the rules for using telematics services and transmission services are a single agreement on the provision of Beeline Services .

So, the tariff plan and the procedure for changing the contract is an integral part of the contract between Bilayin and the Subscriber. So it is written here and we will follow this accurately and clearly. Well, what about? If Beeline himself does not want to comply with its own rules and its own treaty, then we are, the subscribers are simply obliged to show him that we are better and law-abiding. The easier it will be to defend their rights in court.

What else do we need? That's right: we need to find out what can and should be guided by Beeline when changing tariffs. And we remember that the tariff is an integral part of the contract!

We read the document The procedure for changing the contract for the provision of communication services "Beeline":

The [...] operator is entitled to offer changes to the conditions and a contract in accordance with the rules to send the subscriber of relevant proposals through the placement of relevant information on the operator's website.

Well yes. I can also offer Biline anything, everything is honest here. Let him suggest. But I can disagree, right? Let's read on:

The actions of the Subscriber, the commission of which the Subscriber expresses consent to the proposed changes in the conditions and the contract (agreement is expressed by the set of all these actions):

1. Understanding the operator within 15 days from the date notification of the Changes and the Contract Agreement of the Subscriber from the adoption of relevant changes;

2. Payment of services under the contract on the changed conditions;

3. Do not use your rights provided for in paragraph 2.3. Contracts;

4. Making other actions that the operator will indicate in a proposal to change the terms of the contract.

So, Beeline offered to change the tariff. If I agree, I have to fulfill all 4 of these actions:

1. Do not write a written refusal (and I wrote)

2. Pay for services at the new rate (I have not paid yet)

3. In paragraph 2.3 of the Treaty, it is indicated how to terminate the contract on the initiative of the Subscriber (well, I have not yet terminated, because it is holy believe that the truth is on my side)

4. And Beeline nothing and did not indicate this, although it could be forced, for example, to contact - it will be from it. He hid the notification of the change in tariffs so that four of his own employee could not find! There you want to write could be. I think I'm generally the only one who read these documents from the subscribers.

So, in order not to agree with the change of the tariff on the initiative of Beeline, enough Do not perform B one of the above items. For example, write a refusal to make changes to the tariff and bring Beeline to the office.

So, we figured out that the tariff plan and the procedure for changing the contract is an integral part of the contract between Beeline and the Subscriber.

Or can Beeline generally change tariff conditions? What laws should he generally be guided in these cases?

Under the terms of the contract, Beeline rates can be changed in accordance with subparagraph 1 of paragraph 3.2. The conditions for the provision of Beeline communication services, and necessarily notifying subscribers about it in the established Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 09.12.2014 №1342 "On the procedure for providing telephone services" term - For 10 days before the alleged translation to the new tariff.

And here the biline, the blister came out, which I am not glad!

In general, the only representative of Bilain, who was able to find the news about the upcoming change of the tariff is that person who communicates with subscribers and ads in Facebook. We spire by the hands of these crooks have been picked up information about the change of the tariff:

1. Read news for already February

2. We look at the news "More opportunities with tariffs and Beeline options

Well, yes, Bilayna has more opportunities to have naive subscribers and cut the dough with new tariffs and options. After all, it is better, more convenient and cheaper old tariffs never become!

3. Motate news to the end to the link "Archive of tariffs for mobile devices"

4. Click on the onset of the actualization of archival tariff plans

5. And hence the file of the change in prepaid archival tariff plans from July 11, 2017

Non-stable such combination, do not find? Will the average subscriber himself can guess where Beeline has sought information about the change in tariffs in order to respond in time? This is no longer just a pig. In these actions, supervisory authorities would have to see signs of a criminal offense, known as fraud, but we all know, in which country we live

Go ahead. File we downloaded. We will open in Acrobat Reader and carefully see the file properties:

Mobile lawlessness from biline: how to deal? Instruction

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