Plants - oxygen bombs that should be in every home


Each of us wants to be always clean and fresh air. Most of the responsibility for this lies with ourselves, and we can take themselves some indoor plants that will cope with the task Air purification very good.

Fortunately, in 1989, scientists from NASA launched a study on the study of the abilities of plants to purify air to subsequently apply the knowledge gained in the space industry. Thus, people learned about the most effective air purifiers from the world of plants.

Many people do not understand one thing that, especially in the winter months, the air in our homes will not be filtered and does not circulate. When using cleaning products and the likes of this very quickly, I infect air, without making anything that could clean it.

As a result, you and your family breathe this all day. Partly, therefore, it is so important to choose the most natural cleaning products. However, among other things, it is possible and you need to point out your house with plants that will help you not only remove carbon dioxide from the air, but will also be perfectly cope with the improvement of air quality in your home.

Plus, the entire plants in the house look perfectly and carry a large charge of energy.

The composition of the air indoor

What do plants save us from? Five famous harmful substances live in the air of the premises:

- Benzene. It is contained in tobacco smoke, soap, rubber products, in paint products, most cleaning and detergents. When accumulating in adipose tissue, it is able to provoke the development of leukemia, causes nervous arousal, cramps and shortness of breath, reduces blood pressure.

- Formaldehyde. Located in furniture from DVP, chipboard, in plastic dishes, carpeted floors, household gas, in upholstery materials, tobacco smoke. It provokes the development of skin diseases, allergic reactions, irritates the mucous membrane.

See also: Polluted air changes our brain

- Ammonia. It lives in computer technician, cleaning products, in tobacco smoke. It causes swelling of the lungs and larynx, the sore throat, chest pain, cough.

- trichloetedylene. Present in chlorinated water, paint products, in household chemicals, in printer cartridges. It is a strong carcinogen that affects the liver and kidney, annoying eyes and skin, provokes psychomotor excitement.

- Xylene. This is the basis of many types of glue, plastics, paints and varnishes. In addition, it is present in tobacco smoke, leather products, in the exhaust gases of the car.

What plants do you need to settle in your home to at least 85 percent clean the air from dirt and toxins?

Plants cleansing air

1. Azalea


This plant will help you filter the air in your kitchen, especially if you use low-quality toxic detergents. This flower fights perfectly with formaldehyde, the source of which are carpeted coatings, furniture, plywood.

Flowers Azalea for quite a long time, but it is capricking.

2. Curling ivy


Ivy - the best choice for rooms with a small amount of light. This plant is indispensable in those houses where people still allow themselves to smoke indoors. His ability to absorb carcinogens from smoke helps to clean the air.

Also ivy actively absorbs benzene, carbon monoxide, trichloroethylene, formaldehyde. Moreover, it is very effective in fighting mold. Ivy is not picky in care and grows very quickly.

3. Lilia of the world (spathifulum)


This plant takes the first place to clean the air from benzene, trichloroethylene, formaldehyde. It is ideal for keeping in the bathroom, because one more merit is to remove the splash dispute.

The plant itself does not need a large amount of water or sunlight in order to live. It often blooms with beautiful flowers, which only adds her advantages.

It is important to note that if cats live in your home, it is extremely necessary to protect them from eating this plant due to its toxicity for these animals.

4. Bamboo palm


This plant grows not above 3 meters and is an easy addition to almost any interior. It cleans the air from benzene and trichloroethylene very well, which regularly penetrate the living quarters.

Bamboo palm is best spaced near furniture with paint and varnish coating, evaporating formaldehyde. With him Palma, of course, also copes perfectly.



This Chinese evergreen tree loves low light and wet air. Excellent cleans the air from benzene and toluene. Moreover, the longer time the plant conducts indoors, the more effective the air is clean with contamination and toxins.

It feels well in low light conditions, blooms and gives berries that poisonous.

Cleaning air indoor plants

6. Aloe Vera


This plant is completely not addictable in care and in cultivation, and, like everything in this list, the air is perfectly filtered from toxins and contaminants. But it is also famous for the unique features of the gel in their leaves.

Gel is saturated with vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, B12 and many others. It is effective in cuts and burns. Moreover, Aloe helps with detoxification, increased alkalinity of the body, with digestive problems, with an immune system, helps skin health and much more.

This is a truly a magic plant that can be easily grown in a small pot on your windowsill.

7. Geranium (Pelargonium)


This beautiful flower copes perfectly with air purification, removal of unwanted smells, with the destruction of bacteria. It scares the mole, and Gerani's essential oils perfectly help to be high-quality, well soothing the nervous system.

8. Chlorophytum


This plant "spider" needs natural light, but should not be subjected to direct exposure to sunlight. They grow easily and do not require much attention to themselves. Chlorophytum perfectly cleans the air from carbon monoxide, so the kitchen for it is an ideal place.

The plant is very simply multiplied by the launch of numerous "kids", and you can easily have so many chlorophytums as you want.

9. Ficus rubricular


This is a plant that can survive with much lower temperatures than most of the plants of its size. It very effectively purifies air from formaldehyde, and shows one of the best results to remove toxins and polluting airs.

Plants cleansing the air in the apartment

10. Sansevieria (Techin Language)


This plant is most important to work at night. It absorbs carbon dioxide and releases oxygen, helping people sleep better. Many prefer to keep it in their bedroom or in the living room with carpeted floors.

This is a very hardy plant, so even suitable for the most lazy owners. It struggles with formaldehyde, trichloroethylene and benzene.

11. Anthurium Andre (Flamingo flower)


This plant perfectly moisturizes air and enriches it with clean water vapors. Anthurium Andre also struggles with toluene and xylene, processing them in compounds that are absolutely harmless to humans.

12. Gerbera Gameson


This is a bright, beautiful plant with colorful colors eliminates the air indoors from benzene, formaldehyde and trichloroethythinol. Gerbera loves the sun and warm.

13. SzindapSus


The main advantage of the plant, also known as the Golden Colos, is that it perfectly transfers life in the shade, while actively cleans the air from benzene and formaldehyde. Remember that it is poisonous, so keep it away from animals and children.



Drazen loves to live in rooms with high ceilings and with a small amount of sunlight. It grows slowly, but grows into a high plant. It is more actively sucking out of air formaldehyde, xylene and trichloroethylene.

What plants purify air

15. Philodendron


Very uncompressive plant, perfectly feels in rooms with a small amount of light. Perfectly cleans the air from a variety of toxins, including from formaldehyde. It is not recommended to keep this plant in a house where there are animals and children.

16. Nefrolypp


Boston fern actively cleanses air from almost all known toxins and pollutants. Effective when absorbing carbon monoxide. Loves is in the shade and a lot of water.

17. Shefflera


Releases air from toxic joints of benzene, toluene and formaldehyde. Schiefflaur in some countries call a "umbrella tree" due to leaves, which are similar to the spokes of the umbrella from one point.

18. Garden Chrysanthemum


This plant is not only for a very long time, but also actively struggles with most well-known air pollutants, including with benzene and ammonia.

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