Get rid of unpleasant odors in the freezer with the newspaper


Sometimes it happens that when we take the freezer by the handle, I pull it on yourself and open the door, then we feel sharply unpleasant smell. It is easy to determine that it comes from the freezer. In this case, it is worth thinking how to remove the smell quickly and without much effort. But first, you need to know why an unpleasant fragrance in the chamber has appeared. This was decided to figure out

Get rid of unpleasant odors in the freezer with the newspaper

In fact, the freezer cannot smell just like that. This is connected with low temperatures, which are formed in the product storage chamber. Reduced temperature does not give to develop microbes, microorganisms and bacteria. But the smell does not appear, it is worth remembering the basic rules:

• In the freezing chamber you need to put just a fresh meal. If the product is already spoiled or the first signs of its damage appeared, then in no case should it be placed in the freezer. Even at low temperatures, it will deteriorate and spread its smell;

• Store food only in sealed and closed packages. If you put the product without a package, it will come into contact with the freezer wall, thereby starts to gradually deteriorate. Therefore, the main rule is well spinning polyethylene packages;

Get rid of unpleasant odors in the freezer with the newspaper

• Bad smell may appear due to improper temperature setting in the freezer. Experiment with the temperature mode to put one that will be optimal for all products;

• Turning off the electricity also takes place. In your house suddenly turned off the light, and the freezer began to defrost. At this moment you may not be at home, and you will not know, turned off the light or not. But the products that were at this moment in the freezer can be spoiled. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically check the status of all products that you store;

• Periodically defrost and clean the chamber. This is especially true of old refrigerator models. A huge layer of ice is formed on the walls of the freezer. He "absorbs" the unpleasant odor and thereby "transfers" it into frozen foods;

Get rid of unpleasant odors in the freezer with the newspaper

• There are cases when an unpleasant smell goes from wet packages that have absorbed liquid and started to deteriorate. For example, it can be dumplings in cardboard packaging. If the cardboard is a wet, then the products that he retained from external influences begin to flow and flow into the freezer.

Get rid of unpleasant odors

There are several ways to get rid of unpleasant odors to get rid of unpleasant odors that proceed from the freezer. The most effective of them:

one. Apply newspaper . The most inexpensive way. The paper newspaper absorbs perfectly and absorbs unpleasant flavors, which come from the freezer. Help to remove a very resistant smell, as well as remove the dirt that has appeared. To do this, you need to wash a couple of sheets of newspaper and cover the entire surface of the chamber walls. For 1 week you need old newspapers to get and change them to new to achieve maximum efficiency.

Get rid of unpleasant odors in the freezer with the newspaper

If the week passed, and the smell did not disappear, then you need to continue to change the newspapers until it fails. After that, as an aroma is eliminated, it is necessary to remove all the newspapers and its remnants and clean the freezer.

2. Use food soda . To do this, you need to get all the products and defrost the camera. Take the food soda and mix 2 tablespoons of soda with 1 liter of water. Then take a sponge or fabric of cotton composition and moisten it in solution. Optionally, you can add a couple of drops of oil from a tea tree.

Get rid of unpleasant odors in the freezer with the newspaper

It will give the freezer a pleasant smell. After that, it is necessary to wipe the walls of the chamber with a moistened with a sponge or cloth. Plus leave a container with soda solution in a closed freezer.

3. Take coffee . An excellent method for those who had coffee had a coffee. It helps in cases where the freezer began to stink due to spoiled meat.

Get rid of unpleasant odors in the freezer with the newspaper

To do this, pour the grain into a small container and put it in the freezer. After a couple of hours, the smelly smell will pass. If there is no grain in the house, you can use the usual coffee grounds. It is best to leave it for the night to achieve a better effect.

four. Lemon or vinegar . One of the effective ways. Lemon is a long-standing folk agent that fights well with unpleasant odors. Lemon is the perfect tool to eliminate the shame from spoiled fish. To do this, take a glass of simple water and squeeze lemon juice into it. Or mix with vinegar.

Get rid of unpleasant odors in the freezer with the newspaper

Take a sponge and melting it in solution. Then wipe with a sponge of the freezing chamber. This composition is not only a universal means to eliminate the unpleasant odor, but has an excellent disinfectant property. If the smell was very high in the wall, then it is worth taking a lemon and cut it in half. Then he wipe the freezing chamber and leave there for the night.

Such basic rules will help you quickly remove the unpleasant smell from your freezer. Choose the way you like, use it, and the smell will certainly leave.

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