Articles #91

Beauty from Rakushki

Beauty from Rakushki
It seems to be ordinary shells - what is so amazing in them? But creative people can create amazingly beautiful, unique things from ordinary shells ... ...

How to mock glass

How to mock glass
Glass to fee acetone, apply a sponge layer of paint Frost Medium.Expand the edges of the pink paint Butler Magenta, good to pp off. These paints in St....

House for a cat from the old T-shirt in 15 minutes

House for a cat from the old T-shirt in 15 minutes
A house for a cat from an old T-shirt can be created in 15 minutes if you use our master class.

Roman curtain in the room with their own hands

Roman curtain in the room with their own hands
The Roman curtains take their beginning in ancient Rome - it was the inventive Romans for the first time that the window openings of their homes moistened...

10 photos of incredible cakes that look like works of art

10 photos of incredible cakes that look like works of art
Looking on the images of these sweet desserts, I want to ask: really such beauty was not sorry to cut the knife to pieces? To make a unique wedding cake,...

Mirror Mirror with her own hands

Mirror Mirror with her own hands
The grimer mirror is very convenient for making makeup.

Pumpkin decor do it yourself: 10 simple and beautiful ideas

Pumpkin decor do it yourself: 10 simple and beautiful ideas
Pumpkin - hardly the most delicious autumn symbol, as well as excellent material for creativity. On the eve of Halloween Elle Decoration gathered the top...

Homemade games of Soviet children of the middle of the 20th century, which will put modern schoolchildren in a dead end

Homemade games of Soviet children of the middle of the 20th century, which will put modern schoolchildren in a dead end
Today, many children, coming from school or kindergarten, are immediately sitting on their smartphones and spend hours by setting up into the screens....