Articles #889

Such carelessness can cost life ...

Such carelessness can cost life ...
Returned from work in the evening. They sat down to eat with his wife. Bolt - do not touch anyone. I wrapped the cutlets with pureeshchka. Suddenly some...

Arbor from a bar for giving with your own hands

Arbor from a bar for giving with your own hands
Drawings gazebos 4.5 x 4.5 from timberArbor plan and roof skate scan. Sweep on the walls. Roof details drawings.Raftered side view.General view...

Tomatoes without watering: personal experience

Tomatoes without watering: personal experience
All tomatoes were grown in the greenhouse and only 3 times over the summerI was always confused by large labor in the garden. In an effort to get rid...

And I have for you modeling schemes gathered: dresses, skirts, blouses

And I have for you modeling schemes gathered: dresses, skirts, blouses
And I have for us - modeling schemes gathered. And some interesting details about famous patterns. For example, about long skirts. And there is a real...

What else can you do with tiles: 10 brilliant decor ideas

What else can you do with tiles: 10 brilliant decor ideas
Repair has long been completed, and still tile still takes place in the apartment? Do not rush to get rid of it - it's better to free time, show fantasy...

"Vasya - Russian souvenir": Yurody genius or nugget-crazy?

"Vasya - Russian souvenir": Yurody genius or nugget-crazy?
Vasily Yakovlevich Sitnikov in the workshop.Vasily Yakovlevich Sitnikov All diplomatic and bohemian Moscow 60s and 70s, as well as fankener, informants...

Roasting the wall in the kitchen of laminate

Roasting the wall in the kitchen of laminate
For once I decided to work with handles, I bought a laminate, I read the Internet, I did everything in my own way. Chinese lamp with Ali familiar children...

Another portion of cute female models

Another portion of cute female models
Blue pullover Double-breasted jacket Jacket with openwork sleeves Short-sleeved jacket Classic jacket Brown pullover Short...

Fabric + Knitting: Flying Summer Combination

Fabric + Knitting: Flying Summer Combination
I missed a few ideas of a combination of fabric and knitting. The first and last models are simply amazing. ©Overseas !!! Probably,...

Decorative plates do it yourself

Decorative plates do it yourself
Plate "Visit". Materials: dish for cakes with a diameter of 35 cm, printout, putty, napkins, universal soil, acrylic paints, varnish. A plate of...

Jewelry storage box

Jewelry storage box
You will need:plastic cans from under the cream;Ponocent, dense foam or thick foam polyethylene;knitted decorative fabric (velor, velvet);soft skin;Glue...