Articles #646

Sew per hour a chic beach tunic in the floor

Sew per hour a chic beach tunic in the floor
Already very soon the season of vacations, seas and beaches begin, and what can be more pleasant than to distract from everyday everyday and plunge into...

Clothes decor beads, beads and rhinestones: 33 ideas

Clothes decor beads, beads and rhinestones: 33 ideas
Beads wear not only on the neck! Cardigan, T-shirt, sweatshirt, shirt, blouse, jeans or elegant dress - Beads can be decorated almost anything. In our...

Specialist - shelf for spices do it yourself

Specialist - shelf for spices do it yourself
The question where to give the package with spices for a long time, plastic containers did not save. It was decided to make a separate shelf, with two...

Natural bleach for things with which no store product compares

Natural bleach for things with which no store product compares
Unfortunately, white clothes are very good and requires special care. Many bleaching tools can not always cope with their task.You can prepare a natural...

Tired old fur coat? How to alter with your own hands: master class

Tired old fur coat? How to alter with your own hands: master class
It is not so easy to part with an old fur coat, especially if she is beautiful and expensive. Such things usually rocked for a very long time, but still...

Popular Questions about the fault: how to store naked sparkling wine?

Popular Questions about the fault: how to store naked sparkling wine?
I love sparkling wines very much, but for one me a whole bottle for the evening a lot. Tell me, how best to keep the battle of sparkling wine? I tried...

How to remove stains from glue on various surfaces

How to remove stains from glue on various surfaces
Very often on the dishes that we buy, there are "divorces" from glue, even if the sticker itself has long been washed with water. But still "cooler"...

Do you like a staple, how do I love him?

Do you like a staple, how do I love him?
History Brand "Staple" is a family business of the ball.We come from the ancient Ukrainian town of Chigirin, Cherkasy region.Clothes from staples...

Amazing properties of such inconspicuous, like magnesium sulfate

Amazing properties of such inconspicuous, like magnesium sulfate
Our editors every day finds for you the best recipes of beauty and health. What we just did not try! But, it seems, we found a product worthy of the...

Salt vs. Muravyev

Salt vs. Muravyev
There were seemingly situations where the ants specifically got us, but we really did not know how to defend them. It seems to be described by ways,...

Retail shelf with your own hands: master class

Retail shelf with your own hands: master class
Having in stock high-quality, but unnecessary pallets, you can easily turn them into any piece of furniture. The result of work in this step-by-step...