Articles #510

Stylish spectacular Casual: 6 charming images for mature ladies

Stylish spectacular Casual: 6 charming images for mature ladies
Casual style in recent years becomes incredibly popular. After all, he meets the main fashion trend - comfort and convenience. Casual allows women to...

Knit charming and comfortable knitted yarn backpacks

Knit charming and comfortable knitted yarn backpacks
Recently, the backpacks are increasingly crowding out women's bags. And it is not surprising, with the acceleration of the rhythm of life, more convenient...

Salad "New Year's Premiere"

Salad "New Year's Premiere"
This Salad "New Year's Premiere" Salad with chicken liver will be the favorite of New Year's salads on your table. Ingredients:Chicken liver300 g Cheese50...

New Year's miracle tree with your own hands and just

New Year's miracle tree with your own hands and just
For a wonderland, we need:1. Capacity - a glass, a glass,2. Wand base, stem of our tree3. Plastic ball or you can be a round base fromMounting foam to...

How to sew slippers per hour from unnecessary flaps

How to sew slippers per hour from unnecessary flaps
When a big family, it is much more profitable to sew slippers, and not buy them. I want to show how to sew home slippers from unnecessary clothes. You...

Christmas angels do it yourself: master class

Christmas angels do it yourself: master class
Christmas and New Year holidays, no doubt, the most favorite fabulous time for children and adults. And the Christmas decor is superior to New Year's,...

How to knit intarsia technique

How to knit intarsia technique
Knitting needles - a favorite view of the needlework of many women. But not everyone is familiar with such a beautiful view called - Intarsia. This...

What are the wrinkles on your face talking about?

What are the wrinkles on your face talking about?
Wrinkles are on the face of each person, and they are located in different places. Moreover, their appearance is associated not only with the aging...

Than lining ink

Than lining ink
The drowned handle always delivers a lot of trouble, so know than drop ink, everyone needs.Especially often with this problem faced families in which...

Remove wrinkles and acne with the help of Eleutherokokka tincture

Remove wrinkles and acne with the help of Eleutherokokka tincture
Eleutherococcus extract refers to the category of medicinal plants, actively used to prepare a variety of healing masks and decoctions for face, hair and...

Flowers on the studs do it yourself

Flowers on the studs do it yourself
Good day! Kanzashi technology is not new and the Internet presents enough master classes. But! In these studs there is one highlight. About her in the...

Cream for hands from split hair tips

Cream for hands from split hair tips
I will try to guess that you have experienced the name of the article - surprise. Yes, everything is written true, it is not a typo. Such an atypical...