Articles #370

Folding things in Conmari - Magic!

Folding things in Conmari - Magic!
A special method for competent clothing storage was invented by Japanese Marie Condo, and is called on behalf of its creator - CONMARI. The method reflects...

Spectacular Color Block Skirt

Spectacular Color Block Skirt
"Color Block" translated from English means "Color Blocks".This option offers boldly to expose accents with color.

How to use a foam sponge not only for washing dishes: 8 useful tips

How to use a foam sponge not only for washing dishes: 8 useful tips
Sponge for washing dishes - The thing is useful in the farm. The sponges are in the arsenal of each mistress, but not everyone knows how to apply them...

Original knitted bag with your own hands

Original knitted bag with your own hands
For the web, 150 loops are typed, so it leaves 4 braids as in the sample bag (that is, according to the scheme 20 loops to intersect, 10 between them,...

The simplest way to remove superchalter from the skin, even when it is thoroughly reduced

The simplest way to remove superchalter from the skin, even when it is thoroughly reduced
Repair in the house, disgusting instruction for a new chair or homework child-schoolboy - Be sure to be 1000 and 1 reason so that the super-challenges...

Amazing crochet pattern

Amazing crochet pattern
Pattern Warry and PPOCT.He has every chance of becoming your beloved.

French seam - three options for processing allowances on transparent fabrics

French seam - three options for processing allowances on transparent fabrics
High-quality processing of seams from the wrong side is an important step when sewing any product. And since in products from thin and transparent allowances,...

Hygienic lipstick for all occasions! Who would have thought

Hygienic lipstick for all occasions! Who would have thought
We are accustomed to enjoy the hygienic lipstick to leave the lips during the cold season. But it turns out, there are a dozen other ways to apply this...

13 useful tricks on the arrangement of gardens and beds when the places are not enough

13 useful tricks on the arrangement of gardens and beds when the places are not enough
Recently, more and more people are trying even on a small land plot to grow not only dill with parsley, and vegetables with berries. But how to be...

Budget and stylish furniture ideas made by hand

Budget and stylish furniture ideas made by hand
Unusual furniture, especially made by your own hands, gives the house individuality and exceptional, unique beauty. Such furniture can decorate a house...

We use all the space with benefits: 13 interesting shelves for the toilet

We use all the space with benefits: 13 interesting shelves for the toilet
The bathroom usually takes not so much space in the apartment. Due to the limited space, it is necessary to invent methods for storing things for...

5 fashionable bloggers older than 50 years in Instagram

5 fashionable bloggers older than 50 years in Instagram
Cindy Crawford, Christie Tarlington, Helena Kristensen and other supermodels significantly increased the age of model career. It would seem how could it...