Articles #221

Big plywood butterfly, with backlit, do it yourself

Big plywood butterfly, with backlit, do it yourself
It also took, it means that a woman was stored an art object in the form of a butterfly. She showed me a photo of a similar object from the Internet as...

Weaving on skiing

Weaving on skiing
I decided to make a detailed description of my experience in the form of a photo-lesson just because on the sites dedicated to this method somehow everything...

Cleaning products that can be made with your own hands

Cleaning products that can be made with your own hands
If your home ended your favorite tool for cleaning or washing, do not rush to run to the store. Much can be made independently - it will turn out not only...

Toy "Marsht" with your own hands

Toy "Marsht" with your own hands
"Marshmallow" toys - a new fashion trend among the needlewomen. Related from special soft thick yarn, such toys are incredibly tender to the touch and...

How to quickly remove sloppy kat

How to quickly remove sloppy kat
With long-term use of clothes on it, katovka are formed. The trouble occurs on different materials and loses their attractiveness. But the fibers can...

Old jeans, yarn remains and a little creative

Old jeans, yarn remains and a little creative
An interesting outdoor, practical bedside rug is easy to make having a little suitable yarn and old jeans. The technique is extremely simple. Having mastered...

Very beautiful bread maker do it yourself

Very beautiful bread maker do it yourself
For many, a wicker bread bed is the perfect option, because the bread in it "breathes." In addition, such a bread box looks quite elegantly and is not...

Household chemicals on which you can save

Household chemicals on which you can save
Do you think it will be about the means that are sold in economy class supermarkets? No, we will talk about how to do without them in general, prepare...

Sound Amplifier for TV With Your Hands

Sound Amplifier for TV With Your Hands
Digital TVs provide a beautiful image, but the sound of gear, especially in low-cost TVs, leaves much to be desired.In old tube TVs there was a bad...

How to tie shopping bag

How to tie shopping bag
Most recently, in Georgia, it was forbidden to use polyethylene packages in favor of eco-friendly counterparts. We also decided to support this healthy...

Potato mood with her own hands

Potato mood with her own hands
The appointment of this simplest mechanism resembling an externally ordinary potato touchpad. Thanks to him, there is a tedious and low-performance...

Swords in shells for Easter for health and beauty!

Swords in shells for Easter for health and beauty!
As you know, the arrival of spring and the renewal of nature symbolize wheat sprouts, the very seedlings that are so useful for our health, especially...