Articles #1327

Create a brooch in the technique of the Assembly

Create a brooch in the technique of the Assembly
Each needlewoman working with textiles, in the bins there are unused materials or their residues, of which you can create something interesting and useful....

Coconut bag do it yourself

Coconut bag do it yourself
In Africa and Indonesia, where coconut palms are most actively growing, this species DIY Most common. Adults and children are engaged in them. These...

Creating a new "skirt" for the phone. Split painting.

Creating a new "skirt" for the phone. Split painting.
Actually, this "skirt" can be done not only on the phone ... And, for example, on a notebook, a wallet, a business card ... This "skin" was created in...

Wicker furniture with their own hands

Wicker furniture with their own hands
There was a desire to put a little slippers in the hallway, well, to sit down, go, etc. ... went with his wife shopping - did not find anything sensible,...

Luminaire of old CD discs

Luminaire of old CD discs
How to make a lamp of old CD discs Do not know what to do with old or corrupted CDs? Here is a great idea.What to make such an original lamp will be...

Paper blinds do it yourself

Paper blinds do it yourself
1. Cut wallpaper or other paper, ideal for painting, they are thin and skip light.2. Stationery knife and long line3. Two-way Scotch4. Rope (not thin)...

Japanese Patchwork - Cark

Japanese Patchwork - Cark
I will share the finds about the types of duct, for those who want to repeat this obstacious texture for themselves. The most common view is a small...

Tell me naked walls

Tell me naked walls
Frequently found dissonance when one wall of the kitchen is tightly formed and a completely empty other. Only a lonely stiff flower, like an oasis in...

Dress for Girls Men's Shirt

Dress for Girls Men's Shirt
If your husband stopped for some reason to wear a practically new shirt, do not be discouraged - you can sew a completely charming summer or homemade dresser...

How to lengthen the sleeves from a jacket or coat

How to lengthen the sleeves from a jacket or coat
You or your children have things in good condition, but the sleeves are short - not trouble! It is possible to extend them in a very simple way that does...

Casket - basket

Casket - basket
MK shared - Tanya Pavlovna. one.Nowhere has not seen such MK. Everything thought over. 2.We begin the manufacture of baskets from the definition of its...

Strange but brilliant furniture items

Strange but brilliant furniture items
Furniture from designers-geniuses. "href =" "target =" _ blank "> Unusual furniture from ghenium...