Articles #1278

And again the house !!! Only now mom

And again the house !!! Only now mom
Recently there was a post about and its construction. Today I want to share with you how I built a house for my mother last year. Budget 500T.R.Again from...

It looks like this is just an old rusty cargo container, but it is only worth looking inside

It looks like this is just an old rusty cargo container, but it is only worth looking inside
Accommodation from old containers is an excellent opportunity to use what otherwise it would be discarded. Below are the most amazing houses from containers.1....

We transform shoes with acrylic dyes

We transform shoes with acrylic dyes
Often shoes purchased last season ceases to delight your owner, you want something new, fresh, interesting, topical.What to do if there is no money...

Flust salts, half

Flust salts, half
Broke the table? Chair collapsed? There is no desire or need to collect them. But inspiration will appear if you think completely unexpected things from...

Making from old leather bag new

Making from old leather bag new
Very often we get used to your favorite handbag. We like such a style and such a color, etc. And, as often happens, it is impossible to find exactly...

How to smoke jeans, leaving production failures

How to smoke jeans, leaving production failures
Surely, each of those who wear jeans met with such a problem: how to shorten jeans, while maintaining production losses? The answer to this question I...

Homemade sausage production of one italian family

Homemade sausage production of one italian family
We are doing the workpiece for the winter: we ride the jars cucumbers and tomatoes, cook jam and compotes. And the Italians in the winter are sausage....

Crochet Coral Reef Project

Crochet Coral Reef Project
Hooked coral reef is a project that is a pioneer of new creative methods of attracting the public to scientific and environmental issues, drawing attention...

How to save my mother's embroidery

How to save my mother's embroidery
Once, turning through things in the old suitcase, my mother and I found a few of her needlework, which she did in his youth.Several decorative pads...

This guy is very annoying garbage. And that's what he did

This guy is very annoying garbage. And that's what he did
Tommy Klein Dutchman, a fan of bike, once disappointed with the state of the urban embankment. Nobody was not even going to cleanse a huge amount of garbage....

New life of your balcony: non-standard ideas for repair

New life of your balcony: non-standard ideas for repair
Spring - the time when the bike is getting from the balcony, put in the angle of skiing and skates, stretch the rings for linen ... And instead of drinking...