Articles #12

Creativity as philosophy

Creativity as philosophy
In this article I want to share my story, which led me to the Fair of Masters.My store works successfully on the platform for the handmade masters for...

Ideas serving a festive easter table

Ideas serving a festive easter table
Dear friends! Already quite soon, a bright holiday of Easter, to which each of us is preparing in their own way, but everyone's festive table decorate...

Console table - multi-piano handsome

Console table - multi-piano handsome
The console can be called one of the most undervalued furniture items. Few people think about her purchase and very in vain, because with her acquisition,...

Interesting ideas for making stools in the nursery

Interesting ideas for making stools in the nursery
Interesting ideas for designing stools in the nursery are given below so that you have always had the choice.

Decor riotiness in denim, or incredible indigo - 55 collages and 160 magical examples

Decor riotiness in denim, or incredible indigo - 55 collages and 160 magical examples
How to remake and decorate denim products? How to transform and give a new life jeans, denim skirts, denim dresses, denim coats, denim jackets, and other...

Tiny Wheel House serves the studio and housing for the young composer

Tiny Wheel House serves the studio and housing for the young composer
The French firm Baluchon, engaged in creating tiny houses, made an extraordinary gift to one of its customers. They managed to design a mobile residence...

Garden houses size 1.5x1.5 meters and less! 5 types of use!

Garden houses size 1.5x1.5 meters and less! 5 types of use!
Small garden houses are pleased to complement any summer cottage! Usually they are built in addition to the main residential house, t to the dimensions...

Peace inside a nut. Incredible puppet houses inside Walnuts makes craftswoman from Arkhangelsk

Peace inside a nut. Incredible puppet houses inside Walnuts makes craftswoman from Arkhangelsk
Here are such fabulous, cozy and very cute houses doing craver from Arkhangelsk Tatiana Kishina. It's hard to believe, but all the "decoration" of the...