Divorce with refrigerator. How shops are cheating buyers


Divorce with refrigerator. How shops are cheating buyers

According to schemes divorce buyers, appliance stores are around even supermarkets with their kites, false price tags and overdue products.

Like any sellers, technology stores use all sorts of tricks to attract the buyer and make money on it as much money as possible. What are the retailers engaged in selling teapots and smartphones.

Fictive sales

In terms of discounts, technology stores are not much different from their fellow in the consumer market: declaring sale, they choose unpopular models, from which it is time to get rid of. It happens that shortly before the sale of the retailer increases the cost of these goods, in order to cross the old price and sell according to the "new": for the amount that the microwave or the kettle was worth it earlier.

How many times the sellers came across this scheme, but the practice of fictitious sales continues to this day: the buyers are overwhelmed by lower prices, buyers are still thrown to acquire a shut-off technique.

Interest-free installments only in advertising

Little not in every commercial shops of technology promise their buyers interest-free installments. The acquisition of large household appliances or gadgets of the last model is the pleasure of the most sophisticated. For many consumers, buying in installments is the only possible way to purchase a new refrigerator or smartphone. However promised in advertising interest-free installments gives units: if you believe the reviews on the Internet, most buyers receive a refusal to this service. As a result, citizens already configured to buy a loan from representatives of banks, which can be found in any large store technology. Of course, no interest-free terms are no longer coming. The bank is not interested in having Masha or Vasya, a set of household appliances, and then two more years paid for him without any overpayments.

Free shipping subject to thousands of conditions

Purchase of large-sized equipment involves its transportation to your apartment / office / cottage service delivery service. To attract buyers, some retailers carry out shares for free shipping. In fact, to get this service, you need to comply with several conditions: for example, the destination (apartment / office / cottage) must be located, say, not further than five kilometers from the store. And about this condition you can find out when your purchase is already delivered, and movers will start demanding payment. In addition, few will be free to deliver your purchase to the "peak" time: on weekends or in the evening on weekdays. Most likely, you will be offered to bring the goods day on Monday, which is why you will have to ask for yourself from work or even take the day at your own expense.

Buy a smartphone, get a case as a gift

Another trick, on which trade sellers go, is a purchase gift. The present is offered or for expensive, or for the entered goods. Multicookers, laptops, vacuum cleaners at random prices will buy and so.

As a rule, a gift for the purchase is symbolic. For example, for a smartphone worth 30 thousand rubles to the Buyer solemnly handed over the case, the red price to which in the Chinese online store is a hundred rubles. It's like in famous advertising: "Buy an apartment and get a baseball cap as a gift."

... or discount coupon

However, to get a free cover for buying a smartphone, you still have to try. Very often instead of real gifts, appliances stores attract customers virtual: discount coupons. To get them, you need to make a large purchase (or acquire the most enjoyable product). The cunning coupons is that: a) to obtain a cherished discount, the buyer can buy extra goods, that is, to spend more money; b) Having a coupon on his hands, the buyer with a large share of probability will return to the store to spend money again; c) Very often the action of the coupon spreads to certain groups of goods (and not the fact that they will need our hero) and you can pay no more than a third of the cost of technology.

Discounts only when paying online

Large and not very sellers of technology have long acquired for their online stores, where buyers also wait for the risk of divorce. The correspondent collided with the following case: One shop of technology and home goods made a good discount on the refrigerator, but it is possible to purchase it at this price only under the condition of online payment on the site. Simply put, in the morning money - in the evening chairs, or rather, the refrigerator. After reading reviews about the work of this store, the correspondent AIF.RU found out that after the goods were paid, refrigerators, air conditioners and irons suddenly end in stock, and when they appear there again, unknown. Naturally, no technology with a huge discount of consumers receive, but the refund of the translated funds takes away a lot of time and nerves.

Warranty certificates - money for wind

Surely in the shop of technology, you at least once suggested extending the guarantee on your purchase by purchasing a special certificate. However, if you are not lucky, and you bought a thing with a defect, it will definitely show yourself throughout the year: the period for which the manufacturer's warranty is usually applied.

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