Angel flew away. Ideas of christmas decor


A figurine of the Christmas angel is one of the indispensable attributes of the festive decor in many families. Bright, elevated, gentle, cute, magical ...

Angel flew away. Ideas of christmas decor
A figurine of the Christmas angel - one of the holiday

Everyone in its own way is a Christmas angel, and therefore their images are infinitely diverse. In this selection - only part of the possible options. Which one do you like?

Touching and charming

Past of these charming, cozy and cute angels is difficult to pass. It can be warm, happiness, bright joy - all through the atmosphere of the holiday, the Spirit of Christmas.

Angel flew away. Ideas of christmas decor
Touching and charming

Yes, only units of talented craftsmen are capable of incarnating these ideas with their own hands. But do we all be less admired by their works?

Angel flew away. Ideas of christmas decor
Cute and charming angels

Such different images ... Angels Naive, young, fragile, slightly shy ...

Angel flew away. Ideas of christmas decor
Each - with his character

Gentle, air - probably exactly these angels and should be ...

Angel flew away. Ideas of christmas decor
Gentle angels

"Yes, all this is good," you say. " - Angels are adorable and miles, but I want ideas that could be realized with your own hands. " There will be such!

Ideas for masters-needlewomen

Each craftswoman has its own favorite technique. Therefore, we need a variety of ideas. For example, if you know how to sew, you may be like such fun figures:

Angel flew away. Ideas of christmas decor
They are so different ... Wonderful ideas for needlewomen

If the friendship with the needle is not very consistent, try to create such a miracle from the Kronovic grid, tapes and small Christmas balls. It is quite easy to do, but looks charming!

Angel flew away. Ideas of christmas decor
From lace grid and kapron ribbons

There are options a little more complicated - from cropping of various fabrics. Or maybe for someone and not harder?

Angel flew away. Ideas of christmas decor
Angels from flasks fabric

Those who can and like knit crochet may have to taste the idea to tie an angel figure.

Angel flew away. Ideas of christmas decor
If you know how to knit with crochet ...

Well, if you have a crochet perfectly and know how to create air laces from ordinary threads, look for ideas for inspiration in the next section of the selection.

Lace and air

These are ideas for virtuosos, yes. White lace as it is impossible to create bright, aerial angelic images:

Angel flew away. Ideas of christmas decor
Crochet Angels

There are figures easier, there is more complicated - and every one is very good ...

Angel flew away. Ideas of christmas decor
Crochet Angels

The degree of complexity depends on patience of the master and its skills.

Angel flew away. Ideas of christmas decor
Crocheted figurines of christmas angels

By the way, if you liked the idea, it is not necessary to immediately wade into a large bulk figure - it is possible to start experimenting with two-dimensional images to be experimenting with two-dimensional images, praising a simple knitting scheme.

Simple but not landed

If the snow-white lace is perfectly combined with an angel way, then linen twine, burlap, a non-heated linen canvas - seemingly coarse materials. How can you create figures of fragile, elevated, gentle angels?

Angel flew away. Ideas of christmas decor
Figures of angels from linen twine and burlap

It turns out, you can! Ensure yourself:

Angel flew away. Ideas of christmas decor
Rough material - exalted image

Ideas can be the most different - and quite simple, and quite complicated performed.

Angel flew away. Ideas of christmas decor
Figures of the angels from natural materials

Modest and sophisticated, laconic and saturated with the smallest details - from the same materials a lot of different images are created.

Angel flew away. Ideas of christmas decor
Figures of the angels from linen fabrics

But maybe these ideas seem boring, not too festive? Perhaps you think that Christmas should be bright? Then take a look at it ...

Bright and brilliant

Needlewomen who love to work with beads will surely appreciate the ideas of figures of shiny beads and wires.

Angel flew away. Ideas of christmas decor
Just brilliant

The degree of complexity is any: from simple crafts to real jewelry. Unfortunately, one selection cannot accommodate all the variety of ideas - it is only a push of your imagination, a hint, hint ...

Angel flew away. Ideas of christmas decor
Based Angels Figures, Beads and Wire

By the way, like hooked, these crafts do not have to be voluminous.

Very simple ideas

Lace Angels are forced to measure in admiration. Pupae from Valyan Felt is touched and cause delight. But not to create such beauty forces.

Angel flew away. Ideas of christmas decor
Create beauty to everyone

Are there any simple ideas how to make a figurine of the Christmas angel with your own hands, even if you do not have special needleful talents? Yes!

From paper

Classic white color, simple execution technique. But it's beautiful!

Angel flew away. Ideas of christmas decor
Volumetric figures of paper angels

I want to go? Let's take the paper brighter, add a sparkle.

Angel flew away. Ideas of christmas decor
Angel figures from silver and golden paper

But the idea for musicians with a sense of humor:

Angel flew away. Ideas of christmas decor
For those who love music

Cut from paper Such figures - the task is not so much complicated as painting.

Angel flew away. Ideas of christmas decor
Carved out of paper angel figures

But even a child can cope with such crafts:

Angel flew away. Ideas of christmas decor
Paper angel figures will decorate the christmas tree

Paper figures of angels are suitable for the decoration of the table to Christmas dinner, and to decorate the house, and they can be used as a Christmas tree toys.

From wood or cardboard

And even wonderful crafts are obtained from dense cardboard or thin plywood.

Angel flew away. Ideas of christmas decor
A simple figurine can be cut out of wood or cardboard

The main thing is to choose a good template and carefully cut the silhouette.

Angel flew away. Ideas of christmas decor
Figures of the angels of a tree or cardboard

The finished product can be painted, decorated with sparkles - or leave as it is, without hiding the noble wood texture (if you stopped on wooden figures).

From girlfriend materials

But in general, fantasy craftsmen allows you to see angels in the most unusual and unexpected materials.

Angel flew away. Ideas of christmas decor
Change the figures of the angels from a variety of well-handed materials

In fact, it doesn't matter at all, of which you will create your Christmas angel - more importantly, the mood with which it is done. If you want to create a miracle - it will certainly happen!

Angel Khor.

It is possible that you will enjoy how to make figures. After all, even if you do them in the same technique, they are all obtained different - each with its own character. All the better!

Angel flew away. Ideas of christmas decor
Angel Khor.

Let the angels be a lot. Let them keep your home, your loved ones in the coming year.

Angel flew away. Ideas of christmas decor
Let the angels be a lot!

All good and light! Happy New Year and Christmas!

Angel flew away. Ideas of christmas decor
Merry Christmas!


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