Tick ​​bitten: a paralyzed girl weave bracelets to make money on treatment


Every day, the restoration of Anastasia needs more than two thousand rubles. But her family is steadfastly fighting difficulties.

Anastasia Shiryaeva is fighting for every day. Her life changed sharply in 2013, when in the Zaletsovsky Park Novosibirsk a girl bit the encephalitite tick. After that, she lay in a coma for more than a month, survived, but the body remained paralyzed.

Until now, the young girl is restored and does everything to stand up, start living in full life.

"Since 2017 I am doing needlework. We develop your fine motor skills and make beautiful bracelets for children and their moms. All money goes to my rehabilitation. Restoration goes, but very slowly. It takes a lot of time, "Anastasia admitted.

Tick ​​bitten: a paralyzed girl weave bracelets to make money on treatment

Tick ​​bitten: a paralyzed girl weave bracelets to make money on treatment

According to the mother of the girl, daily need more than two thousand rubles for recovery. But their family is configured with all the difficulties.

"With the help of jewelry, we want to recall everyone about security. Take care of yourself! Ahead of spring, and ticks are re-activated! Tainic ticks living in the Novosibirsk region carry a terrible neurotropic tick-borne encephalitis virus. The disease amazes the head and spinal cord and often leads to death. Therefore, we are trying to talk about it as often as possible to protect others from the tragedy, "said Mama Anastasia.

You can buy beautiful jewelry and help the brave girl by writing it in the social network "VKontakte". Bracelets and baubles stand from 500 rubles, beads - from 1000 rubles.

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