Lowish trick


Many were in this most kind of situation: you cost an ATM and you realize that something went wrong and he is not going to return the card at all. How to be and what to do? Call to the bank, panic, shake the car until "not spare"? Maybe. But it's all - then. And first, try one little-known cunning, which will make the "bombing" ATM return the card to the frightened owner.

ATMs - also cars. And as it should be all the cars, they can also behave unpredictable.

For example, hang up to the most unfortunate moment and flatly refuse to return to the user map. In a good way, about this technical problem should immediately report on the telephone hotline (the number is indicated somewhere on the device itself).

But if you do not have time to wait for a specialist and languish waiting, when you return a card with all savings, then it is necessary to act cunning. Try to do the following.


You already probably once a hundred pressed the "Cancel" button, but nothing happened. Perhaps you need to do it a little differently. Hold down the "Cancel" key (on the keyboard, not on the screen!) And hold, not releasing, 2-5 minutes.

Yes, you have to wait. But it is worth it: most likely, after a minute, two tables appear on the screen with a question: "Cancel operation?". Not releasing the clamping button, click on the "Yes" screen. After that, the ATM will return the map.


This trick is a peculiar analogue of the "CNTRL + ALT + DEL" key combination on the computer. So when working with some models can even restart the ATM. Do not be afraid. The main thing is that the card will be returned.

But it does not interfere with the support.

But on this we do not say goodbye, come back!

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