Unusual way to connect details


It seems to me very interesting looks! In addition, an excellent way to update or expand the thing if it became narrow. (S.)

Unusual way to connect the details of crochet

An openwork path can not only handle edges, but also use for the connection of parts, motifs.

a) Take the edge of the canvas by the columns without Nakid. It is necessary that the edge is not strung and did not constitute the edge, so it is obliged into the rhythm "three columns in each row, one skip." Try not to tear threads in the strapping, "sew" thus the side seam from the bottom of the blouse to the edge of the sleeve. Taking into account the width of the lace for lifting, we do 5 V.P. And we bind the second item.

b) Turning the work inside out, knit the arches out of 5V.P., with the interval "Three Stakes to skip, in the fourth to make a column without Nakid," tied to the jumper from 5 V.P., which connects the items.

c) two V.P., a column without a nakid in the middle of the jumper, two V.P., a column without a nakida in the counting of the next part (this column must be symmetrical to the bottom, so that the strapping was smooth)

d) then knit 2 V.P., the beams of 3, 4, or 5 columns with Nakud in the middle age V.P. The lower army, two V.P., a column without a nakid to the upper part in the rhythm "after 3 in the fourth".

e) here is such an openwork strip instead of the side seam

e) Finish the edge of the work neatly very easy: five V.P., the semi-sololbik to the first lower column without Nakid.

Unusual way to connect the details of crochet

Unusual way to connect the details of crochet

Unusual way to connect the details of crochet

Unusual way to connect the details of crochet

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