Table transformer do it yourself


Table transformer do it yourself

Dear visitors of the site from the material represented by the author you will learn how to independently make a transformer table for a gazebo from the board of 30x80 mm.

Author: Nikolai Shaduro, built in his summer garden, and decided to accommodate garden furniture in it, but it should be compact and not to take a lot of space inside the arbor. He started looking for drawings on the Internet, as usual, something sensible to find very rarely, a lot of sites, but a sense of "PSHICS" in general, from everything that I found a useful on the network, I had to think a lot and customize. The author's table turned out to be excellent than he decided to share generously with us.

Table boards used different breeds: birch, pine, aspen, but it is best to take solid types of wood for example birch, because the table and two shops are designed for 6 people, that is, the design must withstand high loads.

The advantage of this table is that it compactly adds to the bench with the back and back to the table with two benches, takes little space in folded.

And so, let's look at what exactly will be needed for the manufacture of a table transformer?


1. Plank 30x80 mm of different breeds (it is better to take birch boards)

2. Metal corners

3. Self-tapping screws

4. Car glue or liquid nails

5. Lac.

6. Morilka

7. Bolts M12.

8. Naka

9. Siaba

10. Nails


1. Hoven

2. Screwdriver

3. Drill

4. Hammer


6. Pencil

7. Roulette

8. Transporter

9. Corner

10. Brush

Step-by-step instructions for creating a transformer table with their own hands.

As already mentioned above, the author at first built a gazebo on his summer cottage and decided to acquire garden furniture.

Table transformer do it yourself

After many searches on the Internet of the appropriate drawing, started working, first of all, right on the floor, rank pattern templates, you can also use plywood sheet.

Table transformer do it yourself

Next, cuts the boards according to the size, the author used different wood species: aspen, pine, birch, but best to take solid wood. Please pay attention! Beepets will be two, but internal and outdoor. First of all, the master makes an outdoor bench, all the detailed sizes pointed to us right in the photos, which notice very comfortable. The height of the legs is 440 mm, the width of the arrangement of the legs at the bottom of 400 mm is very good for the stability of the bench. Attention is an important point! The length of the inner cross is 150 mm, once again remind the crossing is located inside.

Table transformer do it yourself

The length of the outer bench is 1380 mm, all the blanks in front of the immediate assembly should be thoroughly glid and be sure to remove the face, so that the surface was smooth, smooth, as they say "without a bitch and zadorinka"

Table transformer do it yourself

The bench turns out simple, and the fastening master does with the help of wood screws, joinery glue and for consuming reliability adds metal corners, as the design must be extremely durable.

Table transformer do it yourself

So, go further) Now you need to assemble the inner bench Pay attention! The height of the legs on both benches should be strictly the same, but the crossing of the fastening legs is made out and its length is appropriately increased to 400 mm, the length of the upper strip 350 mm where 40 mm from the edge is drilled by a hole under the M12 bolt and drills to drown a bolt head in The cavity of the board, so that there is nothing to speak. All the necessary sizes the author pointed directly to the photo.

Table transformer do it yourself

The length of the bench is 1440 mm, but in each individual case, the sizes can be varied, because everyone does under themselves, but as a standard we use the dimensions presented by the Master.

Table transformer do it yourself

In the upper strip the holes are drilled.

Table transformer do it yourself

After both benches are ready for them to try on and one must enter another with a small gap (see photo)

Table transformer do it yourself

That is, two benches in folded form should create one unit.

Table transformer do it yourself

That's actually what should happen in the end.

Table transformer do it yourself

With benches, they figured out a bit, now we turn to the consideration of the author's further actions, namely the manufacture of brackets from a bar. The angle of connecting two bars should be about 100-1050 (see photo) where the Bar "A" is responsible for the width of the table top, and the Bar "B" is height from the top of the bench until the countertop.

Table transformer do it yourself

All the necessary sizes the author indicated the photos.

Table transformer do it yourself

In the bar "B" the hole under the M12 bolt is drilled and drills to drown the head in the cavity of the wood.

Table transformer do it yourself

After that, the obtained brackets should be connected to the inner bench, in place of the connection put the puck so that there is no pairing.

Table transformer do it yourself

The head of the bolt is removed in the drilled hole.

Table transformer do it yourself

The same thing from the opposite side.

Table transformer do it yourself

In general, it is thus fixed 2 brackets that are responsible for the height and width of the table top.

Table transformer do it yourself

Then you should expand both brackets.

Table transformer do it yourself

But now the most interesting thing begins)) you need to connect the worktop with an outer bench, this is done using a direct slap, its dimensions are indicated in the photo.

Table transformer do it yourself

The data planks are required to produce 2 pieces, the author has long been tormented to get the exact size in the process of fitting, so that in each individual case there may be errors. For a start, the master drove nails along the edges of the planks and with the help of them made a markup, that is, he drove a nail so that he was a little sticking out on the other side and made a mark, and then drilled a hole under the M12 bolt

Table transformer do it yourself

Everyone is pre-carefully adjusted, and then calmly drill, as they say "to death seven times, a rejection once."

Table transformer do it yourself

It is necessary to make a limiter to this bar that the countertop cannot be reversed, for example the author, she looks like this.

Table transformer do it yourself

Ie during laying it will fix the worktop in the smooth position and will not give further stroke.

Table transformer do it yourself

As you can see, everything is quite simple, the cut of the spilable board at a certain angle is attached to the plank using 2 slesss.

Table transformer do it yourself

For complete symmetry in the second bar is all the same.

Table transformer do it yourself

That's actually as a result of the work carried out.

Table transformer do it yourself

This transformer table is compactly placed in the corner of the gazebo in its folded state.

Table transformer do it yourself

Actually, what happens, the countertop turns into a back, and two benches are connected to a single integer by insertion into each other.

Table transformer do it yourself

And if necessary, cover the table and arrange a "Pir Mountain" simply pull over the bench and the table is folded.

Table transformer do it yourself

Voila)) And everything is ready.

Table transformer do it yourself

The indisputable advantages of the Table Transformer are of course its compactness.

The author advises to use wood for the manufacture of a table of solid rock, for example, birch. This design is designed for 6 people in the unfolded form, so everything should be extremely reliable. Connection locations are additionally strengthened with metal corners.

Of course, this miracle table is quite difficult to make, but you are presented all the necessary sizes and descriptions, which was not from the author and he collected information throughout the Internet. So we take and do) dare friends!

This end my article. Thank you very much for your attention!

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