10 new balcony design ideas


With the onset of spring, you want to spend more time in the fresh air. And if it is not possible to get out of the country away, it is not possible to spend a pleasant evening or morning on your own balcony - luxury, available to almost everyone. In this article we will tell how to stop even a very small balcony from the warehouse of old things and winter rubber in a cozy and stylish place to relax.


Photo: Alvhem.

Both glazed and an open balcony can be a full-fledged and regularly used room in the apartment. Accordingly, its design should also be approached, as well as to the decor of any other room, that is, to decide on the main functions, style and color gamut. Most often, the balcony is trying to put a small table and chairs for gatherings and start as much greens as possible, which is best combined either with the cozy styles of Provence and Country, or with relevant eco-trends in the interior. Oriental style and Scandinavian minimalism are also quite well sufficient for the balcony interior. What original ideas offer us designers to design a balcony, regardless of the selected stylistics?

Cozy balcony

Photo: Alvhem.

Organize a corner for reading and privacy on the balcony

Even on the mereal balcony, a cozy chair or a comfortable chair, on which you can always put a few soft pillows and a warm plaid. In such an area, surrounded by greenery, it will be nice to drink a cup of morning coffee or sit with an interesting book or tablet in the evening. Turn the balcony in your personal space for recreation and privacy.

Furniture on the balcony

Photo: A Beach Cottage

Corner reading

Corner for reading on the balcony in oriental style, photo: Lisa Borgnes Giramonti

Use natural materials in the decor.

The balcony is a place between the house and the street that many want to make the most closer to nature, for which it is impossible to suit inexpensive natural materials. The glazed balcony can be lifted with the clapboard, and on the open decorating the wall of the dried Russian, for the lack of which most of the regions do not complain. Such materials do not require much costs, but will help create the necessary atmosphere of a country house.

Little balcony

Balcony, designed with dry cane, photo: Engineer Your Space

Council : Lining, cork, bamboo, jute wallpaper - this kind of natural materials are well suitable for the design of the glazed balcony in eco-style.

How to issue a balcony

Photo: Alvhem.

Use folding furniture

Very often, the balcony is used for evening friendly or family gatherings, but a large number of furniture on a small space is a large number of furniture - the task is very problematic. Folding chairs that can be hanging straight on the wall and remove when they are needed, and lightly unfolding tables, especially for the terraces and balconies is now easy to find in different finishes and price categories.

Foldable furniture

Photo: Artilleriet.

Storage of chairs

Compact storage of Fast chairs

Folding corner table

Folding Corner Table from Pottery Barn

Create vertical sad

If you like indoor plants, however, the places for their placement on the balcony catastrophically lacks, the solution can be a fashionable vertical garden, which literally turn the wall into a flowerbed or a bed. Capacities for a vertical garden can be made independently and purchase it already ready.

Vertical sad

Vertical Garden Design Option From Giardango

Vertical flowerbed

Vertical garden OTERLITE Italiana

Greens on the table

Pottery Barn.

Grow edible plants

Not only flowers and cacti, but also a variety of edible and useful plants, such as various types of salad, parsley, dill or pepper, can be grown in the pallets on window sills and railings or wall cakes. They will look no worse than decorative indoor plants and delight "homely" harvest.

Edible plants

Pot from Gianardango.

Stand for Gorshkov

Stand for pots with flowers from offecct

Turn the balcony in the lounge zone

On the balcony you can easily and without excess costs to create a relaxation area in oriental style, with soft pillows right on the floor. Pillows are easily removed and folded, for example, in the case of bad weather, at the same time, they can accommodate a greater number of people. Such a situation will definitely create a relaxed and friendly atmosphere and probably like the fans of Eastern tea ceremonies and hookahs.

Lounge Zone.

Photo: Rikki Snyder

Paul on the balcony


Use bright textiles

To refresh the appearance of even the most ordinary small balcony without repair and costs, several bright strokes are enough. The easiest way to use the textile decor for this, for example, to sit on the floor of the color hitch, and put the motley pillows and plaid on the chairs. Such bright details will not only create a summer mood, but will be by the way, while the weather on the street will still remain cool.

Pillows for chairs

Pillies for Pottery Barn Chairs

Bright textiles

Photo: alex amend photography

Purchase portable biocamine

Compact biocamines can be transferred from place to place, while they do not give smoke and do not need additional devices. A corner of living fire will not only warm in the evening, but also will create an incredibly cozy and romantic atmosphere. Of course, you should take care that you will not hide anything directly over the flame.


Falper Portable Biocamine


Desktop Biocamine from EcoSmart Fire

Use the railing of the maximum

Non-beam balconies have their advantages. They can, for example, hang specially adapted flower pots or suspended shelves and tables that will certainly like those who do not have enough free space on the balcony.

Pots for railing

Designer Michael Hilgers.

Suspended shelf

Suspended shelf table for owners of the smallest balconies. Designer Michael Hilgers.

Light folding furniture

Light folding furniture and pendant shelves for flower pots on the balcony. Photo: Alvhem.

Hang the mirror wall

Interior elements always attract attention and look originally behind the walls of the house. Hang a beautiful mirror to the balcony wall, it will give the comfort of comfort and serves a kind of highlight.

Street mirror

Street Mirror from Pottery Barn

Spring is a great time to upgrade and fresh ideas, do not be afraid to show your fantasy, especially when it comes to seasonal cleaning and a balcony arrangement.

Flower pot

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