Original use of buttons


No buttons do not cost our daily and elegant clothes. But the buttons on clothes are not the only use of their use, for sure, there will be a house of buttons who lie without use, it seems to throw out a sorry and where to apply them do not know.

Today we will try to find a new application for buttons, see what can be products from buttons.

Original use of buttons
For example, you can simply decorate the usual jar, arrange it with a piece of elastic ribbon and buttons. You will get an original stand for pencils and pens that will refresh your home office, or will be useful for children.

Original use of buttons

Original use of buttons

Buttons can be used as a stand under hot or just under a cup. It is easy to do this, you need to pick a few buttons, it is preferable that the size and form were the same, you can use different colors to make beautiful patterns. Glue buttons together and make stands.

Original use of buttons

Original use of buttons

Another interesting and creative idea of ​​using buttons, the truth is not an interior, but as a detail of the clothes, is to use bright buttons in order to make a belt. It should be more decorative accessory.

Original use of buttons

The perfect project for spring, but products from buttons are suitable for any other time of the year. Include a few cute buttons, you can have a different form and colors, and enter them on the fabric, under each button, make stitches of yarn. And you will have a pretty flower glade.

Original use of buttons

Original use of buttons

Original use of buttons

Original use of buttons

Products from buttons - Flowers can be made in different ways. For example, you can use the wire to make stems and buttons for colors. Make a bright bouquet and put it in a vase. This is the original detail - accent for the house.

Original use of buttons

Original use of buttons

Original use of buttons

Original use of buttons

Original use of buttons

Original use of buttons

Buttons can be not only a floral-polar flower pattern, you, if you want, you can make the original picture on the wall, of any size. Take the fabric of the desired size, and then enter the buttons to it in random order.

Original use of buttons

You can stick the buttons, here themselves decide how interesting things you are. Such a project is well suitable for the children's room, and it will be interesting to make it together with the children.

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