Very beautiful earrings in technique Filigree


Creating decorations made of polymer clay in the technique of filigree or, in a different way, the application requires: accuracy, patience, the feeling of color and skill.

To create presented earrings, we will need:

Metal base for seg - 2 pcs;

Svvenzya - 2 pcs (I immediately took the assembled basics option);

Baked polymer clay Fimo (in my opinion, it is she who best here fit). The following colors are needed for the foundation: blue with sparkles (I took Fimo Effect No. 302), white and olive. For flowers, the mixing method chose the following colors: saturated pink, pink lightweight, brown-gold, cold green, dark red, light beige with yellow. In the photo colors will be clearer.


stationery knife;

solid smooth surface for working with clay (for example, tile); And, of course, our pens :)

Prerequisites: Clean the hand and work surface.

So, proceed. We mix the colors for the base from blue and white clay, approximately in the proportions, as in the photo.

Very beautiful earrings in technique Filigree

After add clay olive color.

Very beautiful earrings in technique Filigree

We add it so much so that in the end it turned out this color as the color of the sea wave.

Very beautiful earrings in technique Filigree

We take the metal base for seagh and the resulting ball.

Very beautiful earrings in technique Filigree

Now it is necessary to divide our ball exactly in half. For this we do the following manipulations with the ball:

Very beautiful earrings in technique Filigree

Very beautiful earrings in technique Filigree

Very beautiful earrings in technique Filigree

The resulting halves roll in two balls.

Very beautiful earrings in technique Filigree

Now we use our fingers and palms as much as possible. Take one ball, roll it between the palms to

Internal size basics and apply to it. So with the second ball.

Very beautiful earrings in technique Filigree

We take the basis with clay, give the clay of the middle of the palm (where there is a small deepening) and far away our clay on the edges of the frame (appropriate, if necessary and stroking a finger).

Very beautiful earrings in technique Filigree

It is important to make sure that the clay lies exactly over the entire surface of the setting.

Very beautiful earrings in technique Filigree

Very beautiful earrings in technique Filigree

We also do it all as well with the second base.

On the same forum on needlework he read that some think that the smooth and smooth surface of the clay is obtained only by pre-baked and erased. In my experience, if you do everything as it was indicated above, pre-baking and eclipse will not need. Of course, the presence of the setting based the process of smoothing simplifies.

So, we got here such "canvas" for creativity.

Very beautiful earrings in technique Filigree

In advance, I prepared such sausages of the flowers we need.

Very beautiful earrings in technique Filigree

We take a needle green, in such a quantity so that you can roll out a thin sausage for the longest twig of our "tree tree".

Very beautiful earrings in technique Filigree

Very beautiful earrings in technique Filigree

Gently take the sausage with a needle and with her finger we apply our twig to the base. Nailing slightly add the sausage along its entire length.

Very beautiful earrings in technique Filigree

Very beautiful earrings in technique Filigree

In this way, lay out all the "tree", looking at the photo.

Very beautiful earrings in technique Filigree

We repeat the entire process and with the second base.

In the end, it should be happening about it.

Very beautiful earrings in technique Filigree

Flowers I nano from bottom to top. From the bottom more often, large flowers are located on top - small. The very first flower will be red. We take a red clay needle.

Very beautiful earrings in technique Filigree

Small clay slice roll on palm with finger. It is important that the clay is homogeneous and did not crumble! It should succeed like that.

Very beautiful earrings in technique Filigree

We take carefully needle and apply to the beginning of the "tree", spending a groove from the middle to the end of the petal, thereby adding it to the base.

Very beautiful earrings in technique Filigree

Next also apply every petal in a circle. At the end, the flower slightly apploved with your finger.

Very beautiful earrings in technique Filigree

We continue to apply the flowers from the bottom up.

Very beautiful earrings in technique Filigree

Bottom pink flowers apply a dark tint, the top pink flower is light. Flower cores are made using a small clay ball and pressing a slightly nail.

Very beautiful earrings in technique Filigree

All colors in place. The picture looks unfinished. We apply additional petals in colors with a light shade correspondent to everyone.

Very beautiful earrings in technique Filigree

Until complete completion of the picture, we apply the leaves where they are appropriate, as well as we apply the final strokes in the form of small points.

Very beautiful earrings in technique Filigree

Picture ready! We carry out exactly also the second earring.

Very beautiful earrings in technique Filigree

Differences in earrings will always be, because we are not robots :) But they look harmoniously.

The clay baking step has come. We put earrings on the glass surface (or on foil) and put in the oven, heated to 110 degrees for 15 minutes. It is important to set a timer or put an alarm clock.

We take out an earrings out of the oven and let them cool. You can put them in cold water for fast cooling.

Now we separate the frozen clay from the metal surface. Sometimes she herself leaves, sometimes I think the nail or needle, the main thing is to do neatly and in an invisible place (for example, at the very bottom of the earrings).

Very beautiful earrings in technique Filigree

We glue a metal-based clay with a superclaud-gel or glue for polymer clay. It is important to apply glue in moderate circumference so that when pressed the glue does not form outward.

Very beautiful earrings in technique Filigree

After applying glue on the metal base, we apply gently clay and press with your finger. We give time to grab about three minutes. It is important to apply clay right right, since the reaction occurs quickly.

And here, earrings are ready!

Very beautiful earrings in technique Filigree

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