Return of the chair from the status of firewood to life


This master class on the restoration of the old furniture and returning it from the state of firewood to life.

Initially, of course, the state "before".

The general condition of the chairs was rather dull. Feet from time to time loosened, rattan on the seats or was not at all, or was very torn.




The first thing followed carpentry work on fastening the legs. To do this, old screws have been removed, and those who did not twist were heated by a soldering iron and are out. Instead of screws, a split connection is used.

To do this, in size, the drill is chubmed, the hole in the leg and the king of the chair was drilled, the wizard is inserted (in the place where the screw was previously) and the whole design is quickly a dog on PVA glue.




The next stage is the removal of old paint coating. I told about him in detail earlier and I will not stop here.

After the squeak, it is necessary to hide all surface defects. To do this, use putty. I work with putty "Lacra". It is plastic enough and slightly grinding after drying.


I strongly recommend using a silicone spatula. It is simultaneously flexible and durable. One side can be put on a putty, and, turning the spatula, align the surface and remove the remnants of putty.


This is what the surface defect looks like after applying the luxury.


Go to the stage of painting and coating with varnish.

In this case, Varathan oil vehicle was used, color 211727 - American Walnut.



And in conclusion - old things are worthy of the second life. Do not be lazy to give these things a chance to decorate your interiors with your beautiful forms.



As usual, a master class helped me to hold my cute assistant:


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