What is useful? 15 methods of applying food soda


Pictures on request for applying food soda,

Guess the riddle: I bought 10 years ago, but still did not end. We are talking about Soda! Sodium bicarbonate, powder with small crystallines, can really stand on the shelf for decades and not used at all. And in vain!

We have collected for you 15 unusual ways that will finally make you finally get food soda from the shelf and use it.

1. Natural deodorant

Unusual ways of using food soda, which few people know

If you for any reason, you cannot use the store from the smell of sweat, mix water with soda in a separate container or simply take a pinch of soda and apply under the mouse. Similarly, you can eliminate the smell of legs.

2. Removing itching

Unusual ways of using food soda, which few people know

After insect bites or burns, poisonous plants can be applied with cashis from soda and water to the affected areas, which will help to quickly remove the unpleasant feeling.

3. Elimination of heartburn

Unusual ways of using food soda, which few people know

To eliminate heartburn, you can drink a mixture of half a glass of water and 1 tsp. Soda or a little milk with a pinch of soda. You can also use the following recipe: 100 ml of water, 1/4 h. L. soda, 1/4 h. l. citric acid (or some lemon juice), 1/2 h. l. Sahara.

4. Natural scrub

Unusual ways of using food soda, which few people know

Recipe number 1. For skin lightening. 1 tbsp. l. soda, 1 tsp. Lemon juice, 4-5 drops of tea tree oil. Assign, apply on the face and massage well using a special massage brush.

Recipe number 2. From black dots. 1h. l. soda, 0.5 h. Honey, you can add some vegetable oil. Mix, apply for problem areas for 5 minutes, then massage and washed.

Recipe number 3. From wrinkles. Mix 2 h. soda and 1 tsp. Coconut oil. Thoroughly massage the face for 5-7 minutes, rinse with warm water. Repeat 1-2 times a week.

5. For hair growth

Unusual ways of using food soda, which few people know

Mix 9 tbsp. l. Water and 3 tbsp. l. Soda, apply a mixture with a bottle with an applicator on the roots and hair, massage. Then apply a mixture of water and apple vinegar, massage and smash. Such a mixture makes hair shiny and healthy.

6. From stretch marks on the skin

Regular massage with this means will help faster regenerated with tissues. Mix 3 tbsp. l. Food Soda, Lemon Half Juice, spend regular massage of problem areas.

7. Getting rid of the unpleasant smell of mouth and dental

Unusual ways of using food soda, which few people know

Mix 2 h. Food soda, Lyme juice, add a half-table of water and rinse your mouth if you feel an unpleasant smell. You can also use a solution of water and 3-4 tbsp. l. Food soda.

8. From calluses and unpleasant odor

Unusual ways of using food soda, which few people know

Warm baths with soda a couple of times a week will get rid of you from the flawed areas of the skin on your arms and legs. And if you lose soda hand and cutting board, you can eliminate unpleasant odors of garlic or fish after cooking.

9. From fungus on a tile

Unusual ways of using food soda, which few people know

Mix one part of the water and vinegar, in a separate container also mix 3 pieces of food soda and 1 part of hydrogen peroxide. Then spray on the seams between the tiles first the resulting liquid, and then wipe the resulting casic woman. Be sure to check before applying the reaction of these mixtures somewhere in an invisible area.

10. From the unpleasant odor in the refrigerator

Unusual ways of using food soda, which few people know

Just put on the shelf to the fridge for a couple of days a glass cup with soda.

11. For brilliance of jewelry

Unusual ways of using food soda, which few people know

Mix 3 h. L. Food soda with 1 tsp. Water and clean your jewels with a toothbrush, and then rinse with cold water.

12. To get rid of injections

Unusual ways of using food soda, which few people know

Parry twice a day for 15-20 minutes the affected body of the body in a solution of soda, salt and warm water at the rate of the calculation: on 1 tbsp. Water is 1 tsp. Soda and salt.

13. For burns healing

Unusual ways of using food soda, which few people know

Dissolve in a bath with cool water 1/2 art. Food soda, it will help soothe sunburns. It is possible to remove local pain using appliques from salt and warm water.

14. To quickly cook peas, beans

Unusual ways of using food soda, which few people know

Just add a pinch of food soda to the pan, and the beans boil faster, especially this is relevant if the beans are old.

15. To clean the teeth

Unusual ways of using food soda, which few people know

The food soda is an excellent abrasive substance, therefore it is impossible to use it. You can add some soda on a brush with toothpaste and clean up in normal mode. Or use this recipe: Water toothbrush, sprinkle it with soda and drop 2-3 drops of lemon juice, then spend normal cleaning.

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