Summer Top Corset


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Summer Top Corset

Summer Top Corset

According to the Magazine Magazine number 556

Author of work - Miroslav Gorokhovich

Size 44.

You will need:

200 g yarn type "Iris" (100% cotton, 600 m x 100 g) for motifs,

Several tangles of fine threads for the Mesh "Elif Dantel" (tangles of 20 g, in thickness thread comparable to the coil number 50);

Hooks No. 0.9 for motifs and No. 0.6 for the grid;


Master Class for Knitting Crochet Top Corset from the Author of the Work

In order for the product from the Coupling Lace perfectly to the figure, it is necessary to perform a pattern of thick paper for a sewing product, all the extracts to sew. Note on the pattern of the contours of the neckline, the boundaries of dense (corset) and openwork parts.

Working on the top corset Start with the formation of the neckline contour. Tie flowers from lush columns (SH.6). Connecting each other in the process of knitting petals. Put the finished flashes on the pattern, secure the pins. Put separate bouquets and blocks by creating a general composition. Attach all this by pins to your pattern face down and cross the places of contact of the elements. Working above the neckline zone, fill out the free space of the irregular mesh on the plane.

After completing the work on the top of the bodice, let's start performing the lower cozy part. To do this, knit the flowers of lush columns, connecting them between themselves and filling the gaps using a needle of the Eight.

Take the bottom edge of the corset with flowers from 3 elements, filling with an irregular mesh small sections in bouquets.

On the right side of the back, tie air loops with chains from the VP. Then tightly bind them to fail. On the left side of the sew buttons.

When assembling a lace cloth, use the following tips:

- The places of contact of the motifs are desirable to sew a thinner thread suitable for them in color:

- If possible, do not open the thread after each stitching of the motive, and neatly from the wrong side to the place of the next stitching, draw a string (between the mating along the motive). Thus, several times to decrease the risk of breaking the connection site:

- When crossing the motifs, stick up with a needle for both rubber loops (if the thread is exactly this color - it will not be noticeable) if you pick up one pigtail of the pigtails, then the hollow thread is stretched. Blinding the outline of the motive contour. After the composition is created and is rigidly fixed with pins, fill out the remaining spaces with fragments of the irregular grid.

Knit flowers according to the schemes 6 and 6a. Openwork leaves according to Scheme 6b. Fix and fill the tips of the thread into the items. Based on these motifs, make up bouquets, block compositions. For example, place a small flower of lush columns in the center, around laying 5 motifs of the petals: to a small flower. SUE 3 Motive-petal, from elements. Scheduled according to Scheme 66 Collect the shafts.

Tie flowers from lush columns (SH.6). Connecting each other in the process of knitting petals. Put the finished flashes on the pattern, secure the pins. Lay out separate bouquets and blocks, creating a general composition. Attach all this by pins to your pattern face down and cross the places of contact of the elements. Working above the neckline zone, fill out the free space of the irregular mesh on the plane.

Crochet Top Corset Schemes

Summer Top Corset

Summer Top Corset

Summer Top Corset

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