How to give metal surfaces gloss and glitter - this way I have been successfully used for two years


I am sure - absolutely all the mistresses are faced with the fact that chrome taps, metal teapots, hoods, microwaves, etc., and others with time lose their gloss, are covered with nonesthetical spots and divorces. This is especially true of cranes and metal shells - they are most often dealing with water, which, when drying, leaves the most ugly stains. As a result, the crane, which on the store of the store looks attractive and manitis with its chrome surface, in our kitchen or in the bathroom turns into an item that does not only spoil the appearance of the kitchen and the bathroom, but also forces the hostess daily to make a lot of effort to return He is shine and gloss. I have a lot of chrome surfaces in the apartment, and once I also rubbed the cranes every day, thinking about myself "Be cursed that day when I ..." No, did not take a ramp of this vacuum cleaner.))) I swore myself The fact that I did not listen to the advice of experienced girlfriends and bought such chrome cranes for the bathroom, as well as a kettle, extractor, microwave, stove, bread maker ... car))) (kidding). But one day I saw this advice in some gear and since then my kitchen and bathroom sparkle. In this way, I have been successfully used for two years now, so when I learned about the competition, I did not have doubts that offer to your attention.

Look - a familiar picture, isn't it? I did not touch this crane for several days, waiting for the competition and water with soap made your "black case".

How to give metal surfaces gloss and glitter - this way I have been successfully used for two years

Everything is fixable, it is possible to make a chrome view of this crane in a matter of seconds. We need any oily oil and a small napkin. Once I bought in the subway packaging from 3 pieces of such cosmetic oil, seduced by advertising calls. After two applications, I refused to use it and it remains to stand with me ... I don't know what. It is a pity to throw out, but I can not use for the purpose. You can use such an oil or any other, even just vegetable odorless.

So, wet the napkin and wipe the crane. Everything!

How to give metal surfaces gloss and glitter - this way I have been successfully used for two years

Crane shines as new! Now water and soap divorces will not settle on the fatty surface. Just leave the napkin in a secluded corner and rub the cranes once a day. It does not even need to be wetting with oil every time - the napkin will work for a long time until he dry.

How to give metal surfaces gloss and glitter - this way I have been successfully used for two years

Now the soap is. Oh, this soap is sticking, drying, forming an inesthetical soapy crust. My soap and apply a thin layer of oil. The soap is glittered, soap does not stick. Naturally, it is necessary to wipe it every day so that the effect holds.

How to give metal surfaces gloss and glitter - this way I have been successfully used for two years

The same procedure I spend periodically with the toilet paper holder. Above it is a towel and droplets from the water, top, constantly settle on its shiny surface.

How to give metal surfaces gloss and glitter - this way I have been successfully used for two years

We go to the kitchen. Chrome-plated crane Here I have only one - from the water filter, the main crane is white, ceramic and in such a processing does not need. Therefore, we spend the napkin only on this small crane.

How to give metal surfaces gloss and glitter - this way I have been successfully used for two years

Now hood. Constantly switching the buttons I hide the bold hands and the surface around them. Processing and extracting. See what difference!

How to give metal surfaces gloss and glitter - this way I have been successfully used for two years

Woob, another thing. Yes, and do not forget about the glass - glitters!

How to give metal surfaces gloss and glitter - this way I have been successfully used for two years

So what else remains? Bread maker, microwave and kettle. Beauty!

How to give metal surfaces gloss and glitter - this way I have been successfully used for two years

All this takes a few minutes and I still have time to twist in front of the mirror in a sparkling clean basic and wave as a handle! Girlfriends, hello!))

How to give metal surfaces gloss and glitter - this way I have been successfully used for two years

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