Things from the USSR, which give in you pussy




I have long wanted to write a post about domestic things that remained even since the USSR And who are issued in their owner of Nister. What is the most interesting thing - in fact, a person can be quite wealthy, but for some reason (either the habit, or something else) continues to use these things, why it happens - for me a big mystery. Whether the habit, or something else.

Remember - if you do not want other things in the eyes of others, it is urgent to get rid of all these things and habits. In today's post - a story about them.

1. Tea mushroom on the table in the kitchen.


A terrible thing that appeared in the USSR and in some way continuing to be used. For those who do not know what it is, in short, I will tell you in a three-liter jar, covered with yellowed gauze, tea is poured and part of the substance called "tea mushroom". Then it is everything there, and the exhaust is a drink, something resembling kvass. Once in the USSR, I tried to drink it in the USSR, but when I saw how it turns out, the hunt to drink him disappeared - the bank with a tea mushroom looks extremely disgusting and reminds of whether some kind of hospital Ssanin is, or pickled pancakes, or whether Some huddled aliens from Kunstkamera. And yes, it is there in a living and periodically turns into the water with bubbles.

If you still have for some reason you continue to use the tea mushroom - urgently throw it away with the can from the balcony, do not frighten your guests.

2. Blue sportswear and mask-alcoholics.

Things from the USSR, which give in you pussy

Surprisingly, many in the old habit continue to wear at home blue sports clothes A la USssr - something similar is still produced by local sewing factories. If you do not want to look like Nishchebrud, never buy this - now knitted factories produce a lot of beautiful, inexpensive and comfortable clothes.

This can also be attributed to the stretched T-shirts - "Alcoholic" - they were worn in the USSR because the brackets on the straps were the cheapest and affordable, and since then such a shirt is associated with poverty. By the way, in the films of the time of restructuring, Soviet Alkashi (take at least the heroes of Bronduukova) - everything will be completely walking in such T-shirts.

3. Dishes with gold and flowers.


If at home, old Soviet sets with pseudo-gold stripes and drawings in flowers have been preserved at home - urgently throw them away. Or at least never put them on the table when guests come to you - do not disgrace. Everyone knows that these sets remained since the time of the USSR, where they were bought simply to fill the cabinets, and most likely when moving to a new apartment you just gave their parents - "will be at first, save money!" Now such a tableware on the table looks terribly in Nishchebrudski.

4. Things closed with blue tape.

Things from the USSR, which give in you pussy

If you have at home at least one thing, "fixed" with the help of a blue tape - carry it right now on the garbage, because it looks scary, closed blue tape sneakers I did not see even in the nourish Afghanistan . In the USSR, where all the years there was a permanent trade deficit, was considered normal to slaughter with a tape, for example, a falling out of a kitchen knife overlay - but now, when the kitchen utensils are sold everywhere and worth a penny, it looks terrible and says many unflattering things about the owner.

5. Boxes with trash and rusty nails in the toilet.

Things from the USSR, which give in you pussy

In apartments of Soviet panel houses there is a double cabinet in the toilet - in which many still continue to keep trash since the USSR - mainly, all sorts of rusty nails, files without pens, pieces of cycling chambers, rusty paper clips, Soviet plane grinding screws, aluminum wires, Wooden coils from under the thread, wine plugs, metal balls of mysterious origin and the link of the magazine "Science and Life" for 1986-1989.

All this trash has long time to throw out if you do not want to look in your guests like a Nishbhod-Skopidian. And in general, it is better to regret once that there is no scouring at hand and go buy it in a hozgazine than 30 years to look at this rusty trash.

6. Three-liter banks on mezzanine.

Things from the USSR, which give in you pussy

Many families are no longer engaged in conservation of vegetables and fruits, but banks continue to keep banks on the eldesol. Doodle rows of three-liter cylinders can also be stored in a modern wardrobe on the upper shelves, which looks especially ridiculous. If you do not engage in clocks of compoters - urgently throw away all these banks, they only take up an excess place.

7. Garbage on the balcony.

Things from the USSR, which give in you pussy

In the USSR, it was customary to litter a balcony by all nonsense, like a frame from the broken bike "Orlock", old jackets and broken skis "Telekhans". If you still continue to be kept on the balcony - it needs to be taken out on the garbage, today it is very shameful to have a lit balcony or loggia.

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