Erase in cold water! And that's why


What water is better for washing: cold or hot? Surely, most owners did not even think about such a choice. After all, as a rule, we choose hot water without inflatable.

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Our grandmothers and moms inspired that it is necessary to wash only hot water, as the cold can not cope with strong pollution and therefore it is not capable of a qualitative to wash the thing. In addition, the washing powder is not dissolved in cold water! That is how older generation assured us. These main arguments lead to the fact that, ultimately, we prefer hot water. However, with the arrival of the modernized washing machines, a lot of modernized washing machines changed a lot, including the ideas of many about washing. And as it turned out, cold wash has its advantages about which many of us did not guess. According to experts, up to 90 percent of the washing value is accounted for by electricity costs that you use to start the water heater! Keep the water when washing (and save money), switching the temperature of the water to the cold mode.

1. Erase underwear on cold wash mode.

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The first advantage is the cost of electricity. In addition, you should not worry about the purity of the washed clothes. The modern detergents allow to eliminate stains and pollution even in cold water.

With a good powder, the efficiency of cold water is not lower than hot.

2. Use the usual amount of detergent even when washing in cold water.

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Contrary to the fact that, perhaps, you have heard before, when washing in cold modes, it does not need to use more powder for greater efficiency. Use such a quantity of detergent as you used to add when washing in hot water.

3. It is necessary to know in what cases hot water should be used.

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If you need to disinfect things or to wash them away from the strongest pollution, only in this case it is worth choosing washing mode in hot water. It is recommended to choose a hot mode when you erase, for example, kitchen or bath towels.

In other words, things, give preference to high temperatures if you need to wash things that collect more bacteria than other types of linen.

In addition, the supporters of washing in cold water lead three more weighty arguments in defense of low temperatures:

-The hot water spoils things.

Many have heard the stories that it is hot water that disrupts the structure of the fabric fibers.

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First of all, it concerns woolen things, as well as a number of other delicate tissues. Surely, some of us have come across the situation when, after washing in hot water, your favorite cardigan is hopelessly sat down and you can only wear a child-like a small size he suddenly became.

But the thing from another material, on the contrary, after washing it stretched so much that she was fit to give her mom or older sister.

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And how do you have holes formed not on the seam, but just in the same place? Unfortunately, this situation is far from uncommon.

The main reason is the fibers that are thinned under the influence of hot water. As a result, several glades are enough for hot water to completely destroy the fibers, spoiled the thing and led to the formation of those very holes.

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Of course, the thing with holes is the finally spoiled thing that is not subject to recovery.

-Theless argument is that when washing in cold water, the tissue retains their color longer and do not fill.

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Again, each of us had a situation where a bright red blouse suddenly lost its color and turned the faded dirty-burgundy thing. This happened because hot water has the ability to wash bright and juicy shades.

- And finally, the third argument in favor of washing in cold water is the absence of white divorces that often appear on clothes after washing in hot water.

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In particular, dark things suffer from white divorces. In cold water divorces on black things will be smaller. Well, of course, as already mentioned earlier, an important washing argument on the cold regime is an electricity bill, which undoubtedly will be at times less than bills for hot water.

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Each time you turn on the washing machine - a huge amount of energy is always due to water heated.

Washing on cold modes allows you to forget about all the listed problems. Therefore, resort to hot water solely in extreme cases when, this is indeed a necessity.

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