Man born without hand creates free prostheses for children


Everyone is born equal and should have the same rights and opportunities as everyone else. Unfortunately, sometimes people born with certain physical disabilities are not able to fully enjoy life, as they are limited in certain actions.

Stephen Davis is one of those people who face this problem. For quite a long time, he lived without the use of the limb's prosthesis and often felt uncomfortable in everyday life. After some time, he finally decided to get one, but was very disappointed with the view of the hands that were offered. Stephen made a post on the Internet, where he described all his feelings regarding this sphere. It was seen one of the inclusion of volunteers who offered Stephen to create a special printer for a 3D printer.

Of course, Stephen agreed and was very pleased with the result. After this experiment, he decided to build his own organization, which he later called the unlimbit command. His goal is to create unusual designs of prostheses for children. Children can choose different models and so they have the opportunity to show their individuality.


Since the beginning of the project, Stephen Davis has already made an iron man, Harry Potter, Lego, Spiderman, and many other designs. The radio goal is that children feel comfortable with a new hand, and the prosthesis should look good enough to show her Friends.

Stephen was able to reduce the prosthesis, and its creation cost $ 25. But children and their parents should not pay anything, since the Unlimbed team covers all expenses by donations.

This man is a real Savior for those children who were born without hands, and inspiration for everyone!

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