Salt vs. Muravyev


Salt vs. Muravyev

There were seemingly situations where the ants specifically got us, but we really did not know how to defend them. It seems to be described by ways, but I did not hear about them in life.

Have you tried something from this?

1. Salt on the threshold

Salt vs. Muravyev

The easiest and most lazy way to dare ants from home is to sprinkle the threshold of salt. And at the same time the window sills, all the passages and places of mass accumulation of many-way pests.

This method is by no means another modern lifehak. It was first described back in the distant 1937 on the pages of the Times magazine. An article entitled "Salt vs insect" (SALT V. Insert) gave very foggy explanations: not that ants should dying from thirst (after all, the salt absorbs moisture), not from dehydration of their exoskeleton. But since then, no one generation of the thresholds of salt is actively sprinkled from the anthraus. And argues that it works.

2. Salt and water

Salt vs. Muravyev

Naturally suitable in the fresh air? If you have a table in the courtyard and ants are actively encroaching on it, prepare four plastic containers. In each pour water by adding a bit of salt, and use containers as a "support" for the table legs (as in the photo). The ants will not be able to get through such a "ditch", well, the most stubborn of them will not survive the bathroom with salt. So your food insects do not definitely.

3. Sugar and Boric Acid

Salt vs. Muravyev

Effective agent against ants can be made on the basis of not only salts, but also sugar. In deep tanks, mix a glass of sugar and a tablespoon of boric acid, carefully and slowly pour the glass of warm water and wait. The mixture should foam and slightly crystallized.

Salt vs. Muravyev

Now dip some cottage disks into the resulting cocktail and put them in those places where Muravyov constantly notice. Insects will attract such a "delicacy", and they will even bring his crumbs into their nest. But the formic organism will not withstand such a rattling mixture and already in a matter of hours it will finish them.

A source

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