13 women's advice from the Internet, which in practice were very dangerous


13 women's advice from the Internet, which in practice were very dangerous

Not all of the simplicities of the Internet should be trusted: well, if some tips simply do not work, but sometimes they can hurt.

13. Transparent nail polish for herpes masking on lips

It is not necessary to use this advice, since the lacquer applied to such rashes can provoke irritation or aggravation of the disease. Get a cream in a pharmacy and wear it with you.

12. PVA glue against black dots

Women's, Tips, Dangerous Tips, Internet

Absolutely ineffective and dangerous way. Glue

May cause allergies, irritation or fall on the cornea of ​​the eye.

Use secure means to remove black dots - for example,


11. Increased lips at home

Women's, Tips, Dangerous Tips, Internet

Probably, this method came to us from childhood, when everyone was hung like this

way. Put lips in a glass (bottle, wineglass) and pulled air.

However, instead of the welcome lips, Angelina Jolie, we got a terrible blue

A rim on physiognomy.

10. Hair Varnish as Makeup Lock

Women's, Tips, Dangerous Tips, Internet

Hair varnish are advised not only for hairstyles, but also to fix makeup on

face, as well as a means for narrowing the pores. Of course it is not

works. The substances contained in the varnish can cause irritation and redness of the skin.

Select exactly the tool that it will be suitable, and the desire to use

Extreme tools as a hand remove.

9. Washing hair shampoo for horses

Women's, Tips, Dangerous Tips, Internet

If after the very first wash this way really works, then one disappointment is waiting for. The large content of silicone will make hair brittle and thin, which can lead to their falling out.

So it is better not experimenting. Especially since for giving

The desired volume is a lot of specialized shampoos for people.

8. Raw potatoes for oily skin

Women's, Tips, Dangerous Tips, Internet

Potatoes, of course, useful product, but do not wipe the skin. The substances contained in it can clog the pores and cause acne. For oily skin, there are plenty of care products. Choose I do not want.

7. Lemon juice from freckles

Women's, Tips, Dangerous Tips, Internet

This method takes place only if you do not have allergies or your skin is not very sensitive to the sun. But the bright leather on which freckles appear is this.

So safer will buy cream containing vitamin C.

Women's, Tips, Dangerous Tips, Internet

Mad Council, but he has followers. The cookies contain flavors,

which can cause allergies, as well as the product particles themselves can

Scratch the cornea eye. Br-r. Conclusion: in a huge variety of carcasses for

Eyelashes will definitely find the one that is suitable for you, without any


5. Pencils for drawing instead of eyeliner

Women's, Tips, Dangerous Tips, Internet

No matter how attractively looked at this undertaking, it is better not worth it. The chemical composition of the pencil is not suitable for the mucous eye. It is good that the color pencils are for the eyes there are a great set.

4. Antiperspirant as a means of face

Women's, Tips, Dangerous Tips, Internet

The antiperspirant strongly dries the skin that in aggregate with makeup does not allow her

To breathe, and this is, as you know, nothing good for the face does not promist.

3. Peanut paste as a tool for shaving

Women's, Tips, Dangerous Tips, Internet

Peanut paste is a strong allergen, but besides that, we also break in the bathroom, and the machine will spoil. If a special shaving agent is over, it is better to use

Hair conditioner.

2. Use coffee to obtain a tan effect

Women's, Tips, Dangerous Tips, Internet

For health, this method is not very dangerous (if, of course, you are not allergic),

However, it is also ineffective. A slightly coffee can change skin color,

But it is expensive and briefly.

1. Children's cosmetics instead of ordinary

Women's, Tips, Dangerous Tips, Internet

The use of a children's adult skin cream is dangerous, as children's cosmetics

Designed for skin that does not have a practically no protective layer in

The difference from our, adult. As a result, our skin ceases to breathe and we

We have a bunch of problems that would not be if we picked up creams by


Bonus: Tips that really work

1. Strong black tea as a tool from solar burns

Women's, Tips, Dangerous Tips, Internet

Tubilic acid contained in black tea cleans redness and all unpleasant

The consequences of sunny burn. Good replacement tool with panthenol if

You did not have it.

2. Napkin antistatic as a means against hair electricization

Women's, Tips, Dangerous Tips, Internet

This method will help as a single measure. The napkin will collect static

Electricity, but you need to treat the root of the problem - dry and brittle hair.

A source

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