Home fertilizer for orchids


Home fertilizer for orchids

Surely every owner of an excellent orchid had to deal with the situation when a favorite plant stubbornly refuses to bloom But at the same time he has many bright green leaves and the vase is growing well. In this case, you need to help your favorite and stimulate it to flowering. One of the ways to achieve this - pour flower garlic water.

Garlic water for orchids

About the useful properties of garlic known to everyone. But not everyone knows that he is an excellent assistant to care for various floral plants, especially - for orchids . Garlic water improves the root flower system, stimulates the growth of new "arrows" and helps to fight pests.

Indications for use

Garlic water for orchids

If Orchida Persistently refuses to bloom But at the same time perfectly feels: actively increasing the foliage, develops the root system, it does not see any single trace of the presence of pests - irrigation of garlic water is obligatory.

Recipe of garlic ins

Garlic water for orchids


  • Water - 0.5 l
  • Garlic - 6 tooth.
  • Amber Acid - 0.5 Table.


  1. Dissolve half the pills of succinic acid in hot water.
  2. Grind garlic with a knife or press for garlic. When the liquid cools, add garlic mistakes.
  3. Place the fluid into the glass jar, and then leave it for 24 hours to appease.

How to water orchid garlic water

In prior irrigate Feruced garlic infusion In the basin with warm watering water. Vase plunge into the container with garlic water so that the fluid level reaches 2/3 of the volume of the planting pot. About the unpleasant smell of garlic do not worry, he will disappear in a couple of hours, while Orchid gets all the best What is concentrated in a bulbous plant.

Garlic water for orchids

This method should not be used more often than several times a month, as well as during the rest or color of the plant. If you do everything right, For 14 days The result should appear.

Orchids - Unusual beauty flower. If you want a favorite plant to please you with lush flowering, water with garlic water. Save this recipe yourself and try it at your leisure, especially since it is easy and accessible.

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