5 expensive wooden things that can be made with their own hands


Whatever they say, but fashion trends affect almost everyone. Now everything with the consoles of eco-and bio-, so it is not surprising that the cost of natural wood has increased dramatically. You may not believe, but many interior things can be made with their own hands. Ready to try a little and develop workshop skills? Then forward, for inspirational ideas!

Many interior things can be made with their own hands.

Many interior things can be made with their own hands.


Coffee on the terrace, tea in the garden, breakfast in bed - the tray in every home is necessary, and if there are several, even better! Agree? Then we look at the most interesting options that I managed to find. And not just admire the art of work masters, but choose an interesting model for yourself. Winter ahead: what else to do long evenings - just create!

Let's start with charming ideas for beginner carpets. Simple forms are enhanced by colorful and fittings.

Start with simple

Start with simple

Options with sides are more complicated in execution, but much more practical. Apparently, therefore, the majority of such ideas. I think with a form and size you decide on your own, and the decor options should be viewed. One of the most unemployed is to apply the stencil pattern: and quickly, and will definitely work out.

Fashion direction decor

Fashion direction decor

I had to make your own trays in the cell. You can salary the surface with the cloth and check or draw stripes of paint (tape for us to help).

Favorite drawing - cell

Favorite drawing - cell

To decorate the product, point painting will have to be patient, but it is worth it! From such a beauty of the eye do not take away, even by appointment, it is afraid to use: no matter how nonararks do not damage the drawing!

How good are!

How good are!

If patience is not your horse, pay attention to other options. Trays in the photo below look great, but to make something similar simplest. Waterproof stickers or PVC panels are inexpensive, you can choose various patterns and color gamut - why not take advantage of such a tempting offer? Especially since the result is impressive, you will agree.

Imitation tile

Imitation tile

It does not inspire a combination of wood and PVC, - lay out the bottom with thin sleeves of small diameter, coins, buttons, mosaic, etc.

How do you need such ideas?

How do you need such ideas?

Of course, without decoupage it did not cost: what image will decorate your tray, solve only you. And for example, I picked up a couple of romantic in a vintage style.

Flowers for good mood

Flowers for good mood

The following options are also stylized under ancient technique in color and accessories, but their main dignity is hand-painted.

Ideas for those who can draw

Ideas for those who can draw

Options below are different as extraordinary you can not call. The model in the photo on the left is the elegance itself, on the right - sympathets in the rural style. Completely different, but everyone is good in its own way.

What do you like better?

What do you like better?

Cutting boards

For me, there is no alternative - only wooden! I do not end the counterparts, despite their advantages (lungs, bright, inexpensive, etc.). Ceramic also did not like it: the knife grinds the surface quickly beats the hunt to cook. Whether the work is wooden: and in the hands take it nice, and it is convenient to work, and it is not necessary to even be removed into the closet - let it be placed in sight. The minus they have one - a considerable cost. But this is if you buy, and we can do yourself, right?

For example, these are simple models forces even novice masters. As I think, it is very practical: one knife movement, and the next portion of cutting is already in a plate.

A good idea

A good idea

For connoisseurs of the original forms, it was possible to find a lot of interesting things: how do you like the kitchen utensils? Home and cardio, right?

So cute!

So cute!

You can choose for the product a certain topic. For example, in the family of a fisherman, one of the similar boards will probably be to the place. Especially for cleaning and cutting the catch.

Choose a fish to your taste

Choose a fish to your taste

Of course, you will not leave without attention and the owners of past-striped: there will be original ideas for them. I liked these sympathies, but in general the cutting boards of catpaths are very much, there is from what to choose from.



If you want a classic board, but with some highlight, pay attention to the following models. For some reason, the handles of an unusual form are now very in demand, so that such kitchen utensils will definitely be in the trend. By the way, the original products can be used for feeding: now it is so fashionable that the plates will stay not at the crash. True, on etiquette for various products and dishes need special boards, but I did not notice a special difference in them. So, if you do not expect to dinner, the English Queen, the rules can be neglected.

Intricately, you will not say anything

Intricately, you will not say anything

Charm of Starina

Charm of Starina

A beautiful cutting board is quite possible to give: I would, for example, was delighted as a useful and beautiful Present.

Gift options

Gift options

Those who have the skills of the wood burning skills are even easier: in my opinion, the result is not worse than laser engraving. Just look, what kind of beauty can be done with your own hands!

Great decor

Great decor

The weighty plus of this method of decor is practicality. The drawing will not suffer from constant washing and will continue for many years, of course, if you do not get cabbage to the "parade" side. If you are tormented by vague doubts again - it turns out or not, - take a look at the photo below: the teenagers coped, will it really not develop this technique?!

Learn to burn on wood can each

Learn to burn on wood can each


In Soviet times, they were in every home, and later for some reason they fell into disfavor. Butters and batons moved to bags and drawers, and the kitchens lost part of their charm. Fortunately, now the interior fashion turned face to unfairly offended breadmen, which I personally have been very glad. There was an opportunity not only to buy, but also to choose a suitable idea for making with your own hands.

Just but tastefully

Just but tastefully

The box of an unusual form will perfectly fit into the free corner: they do not need much space.

Ergonomic shape for small kitchen

Ergonomic shape for small kitchen

You can decorate the products in almost any technique: for example, with the help of our good acquaintance - decoupage.

An indispensable decoupage

An indispensable decoupage

Or paint in the desired color. And if nature endowed the ability to own a brush, in addition to portray something cute on the lid.

Focus on color

Focus on color


Nearby thing, and without it can not do, especially at the festive table. There is no trifles in the serving, and even such a little as an unsightly napkin stand can spoil a general view. If you do not have anything against wooden products, here you have several handmade ideas for inspiration.

By tradition, let's start with simple structures, the manufacture of which will not require special tools and special skills.

Nothing extra

Nothing extra

If these stands seemed unnecessarily strict, I propose a little change the shape of the product. For example, this way.

More is more interesting

More is more interesting

The following models are a bit more complicated in the manufacture, but look original. If the storage space is in sufficiency, you can make a few, and put them on the table to certain dishes: baked pizza or prepared fondue - cheese, sat down to drink tea with a charlotte or strzder - apple.

Every one is good

Every one is good

I liked these two cuties: the fences in any form caress the gaze, and the tiny furniture boxes before the cozy and pretty, which wanted to make such a napanese immediately! Cutting the rivers is not a problem, the furniture handle is also, but the clamps will have to be purchased, otherwise it will not be able to smoothly glue the box.

I liked both

I liked both

Vintage options below - definitely on an amateur. There are similar things in the interior shops a lot, I would definitely bought. Meanwhile, to make them able to everyone who can keep the saw and a screwdriver in their hands, and the time does not need a lot. Small flaws in work are considered not a marriage, but a peculiarity of a particular handmade product. Great, right?

Vintage vintage

Vintage vintage

Very convenient seemed models with retainers of various designs. Napkins - Products of the company: You will pull one of the cup, and for her, the whole stack strives to catch up to freedom. The clamping strips stop such a library once or twice.

Models with clamping straps

Models with clamping straps

And specifically for those in the decor give preference to romantic style, two great decorated cloths. Do not sigh sadly, believing that you create such beauty are not under the power: napkins, PVA gloves, texture paste, stencil and a little patience - here's almost everything you need.

And such a decor can be forces!

And such a decor can be forces!


An inexhaustible topic for creativity! They never happen much, right? The unchanged attribute to create an appropriate atmosphere of romantic dinner, New Year's feasures, and just for comfort, to light the candle is always nice.



What do not say, and the candlestick from the tree always looks respectable, even if even in the easiest performance.

Exquisite simplicity

Exquisite simplicity

Approximately such models as in the photo below can be seen in any illustrated interior catalog. And that's what is interesting: they look equally harmonious and in modest, and in a luxurious atmosphere.

These models are very popular

These models are very popular

After adding some parts of the metal to the trimming of a bar, get a more solid product.



I do not know how difficult it is to make stands for candles in the photo below, but they are adorable. So pulls to hold in the palms, feel the warmth of wood, stroke the bar. For some reason, the counting material was remembered in kindergarten - small wooden nesting. Probably because they also did not want to produce out of her hands.

Very attractive

Very attractive

And on the stage appears the device for burning: all models below are decorated with it. Still, you will have to buy at least inexpensive to start: no longer there is no strength to look at the beauty that I do not have, and I could be!



The easiest way to decorate the candlestick is to crush it with lace (preferably of cotton yarn, synthetics will spoil the whole picture) and attach any decoration. Neutral or thematic, to a specific holiday. Out of every year's decor competition.

Examples of simple decoration

Examples of simple decoration

And if you want to refresh the interior with original models, pay attention to the following options. It seems to be nothing special, but looks great!

I would not refuse any of them

I would not refuse any of them

I hope you already mentally look for a place for the first wooden masterpiece of our own manufacture? Or maybe he will be second or even the third? Then the story and the photo - in the studio!

When preparing the material used photos from Pinterest.com

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