More no saliva and nerves: this is how to quickly go thread in needle. Magic, not otherwise


More no saliva and nerves: this is how to quickly go thread in needle. Magic, not otherwise

Each of us had to sew a button, stitch the hole or get rid of any other defect on clothing or bedding. Well, if the first time the thread entered the eye needles. But if it is not very smooth or vision already brings, then this simple, at first glance, the process displays. There are scissors, soap, paraffin, wax, and of course saliva. But these methods do not help immediately.

how to go thread in needle

And all because most of us makes a thread in the needle wrong. Editorial "So simple!" Tell you how to make it masterfully, and also will show the video for clarity.

how to go thread in needle

Cunning for home

Refueling threads in the needle is the most necessary, but the nervous skill of any hostess. And instead of stretching the thread through the needle's ear, it is necessary to just decompose on the palm. Useful trick that leads to bewilderment.

how to go thread in needle

So, you have a thread on your palm in such a way that she lay exactly. It is not necessary to stretch it. Now I take a needle in your hand, turn it so that the eye looks at the thread. Clee her thread is quite a bit. Rass the thread and ready!

how to go thread in needle

The process is the same regardless of the size of the needle. Just try to do so, and you will never have to cut the flip of the thread or use saliva.

More no saliva and nerves: this is how to quickly go thread in needle. Magic, not otherwise

If some moments remain unclear for you or you do not believe in the veracity of this superprinting method, see the video below. A woman gets to do the thread in the needle literally in 1-2 seconds.

There are many sewing tricks that are out of the hostesses. It is not necessary to have extensive experience or professional skills, sometimes much more important to observe simple rules.

Tell us in the comments about your secret tricks that help you in the affairs of household. And also share an article with friends in social networks!

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