From the leaf of black currant not the first year I do fermented tea. I want to share a recipe!


From the leaf of black currant not the first year I do fermented tea. I want to share a recipe!

Tea drinking - The occupation is not only pleasant, but also useful. Especially if the drink is brewed from natural leaves of some scented grass, be it raspberry, strawberries, black currant or something else. It is doubly pleasant to drink such tea at the cottage after the extinguishing "fitness" on the beds.

And today "Piggyback of useful tips" tell about how to cook Black Currant Tea , pleased not only with fragrant aroma, but also a rich taste.

Tea of ​​currant

Not all tea party lovers know that tea from currant leaves can be different. The fact is that the smell, taste and usefulness of the drink depend on the method of processing leaves.

How to make the best Food from currant leaves ? To do this, it should be discussed by a special way that the so-called fermented tea turned out.

Currant tea recipe


  1. Collect currant leaves for tea follows dry weather in the morning. It is not recommended to wash them, but if they are dirty, you will have to rinse and dry. The most delicious and healthy tea It turns out of the leaves, which are assembled during the period of fruiting. In order for fermentation to succeed, the leaves should be much, not less than half a kilogram.
  2. Getting tired of taking leaves. To do this, the surface (for example, a table) cotton or linen fabric and evenly embankment with a layer of 3-5 cm. Processes of letting should pass in a closed room where there is no wind and direct sunlight, otherwise the leaves are dried, and not be asleep.
    Currant tea properties
  3. Check out the readiness as follows: Slabs the leaves in the palm of the palm, then the hand - if the leaves retain the crumpled shape, they are ready. If you cut, the leaves will become brittle.
  4. Collect the leaves in a plastic bag and send about a day in the freezer.
  5. After the freezer, lay the leaves on the table, donate some time on the defrost.
    Currant Currant Tea
  6. Starting Sam Fermentation process . To do this, take a few leaves between the palms and twist the tubes from them. The main condition for this manipulation is that the leaves of the currant released juice (at the same time they are darker).
  7. Punches of lay in separate dishes, arrivals with a lid and a cloth with a towel. Put the container with leaves in a warm place for about 7-8 hours.
    Food from currant leaves
  8. After the designated time, open the lid. If you feel the resistant smell of currant, it means that the fermentation has passed successfully.
  9. Now the leaves should be dried. To do this, use the dryer or oven. In the case of an oven, the baking sheet should be caught in parchment. Cut the tube on the strips with a thickness of about 5 mm. Dry them.
  10. Now it remains only to brew leaves fragrant and delicious Smorodine tea who are not ashamed to treat even the most expensive guests. Pleasant tea drinking!
    Smorodine tea

Tell me fermented smorodine tea And the usual tea from dried leaves of the same plant, the difference is noticeable immediately - fermented tea is darker, and its aroma is more rich.

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