Buy eggs: white or brown. What is the difference


Buy eggs: white or brown. What is the difference

It would seem that such a simple thing as the purchase of eggs can in fact cause a lot of questions. And it seems that it is clear from what can be repelled when it comes exclusively about the sort of eggs, but recently it is increasingly possible to meet the difference in price between white and brown eggs of the same variety and size - why are some more expensive than others?

Is the truth common myth that brown eggs are healthier and more useful than white, or is it just another marketer trap? Find out the truth using today's review.

Difference in chicany

When it comes to the shade of the egg, the key to the rayster is ... in the breed of chickens. So, the chickens with white feathers and light earlots carry white eggs, and non-masters with reddish-brown plumage and red ear dots give brown eggs. There are also breeds that go beyond this rule, giving motley and even bluish eggs, but such types of eggs are not very common on store shelves.

Is it true that brown eggs are better than whites?

The answer of experts is: the color of eggs is not an indicator of quality. When it comes to taste and nutritional properties, there is absolutely no difference between white and brown eggs. Despite the fact that often brown eggs are more expensive, they are completely equal to white.

Is it true that the brown eggs are thicker?

The opinion of specialists about this is also definitely: the fortress of the shell and its thickness is completely identical to both white and brown eggs. If you ever noticed that the egg shell seems tougher, then the cause will be the age of chicken, not the color of the egg. As a rule, young chickens lay eggs with a solid shell, while old - with thinner shells.

So why are brown eggs are often more expensive?

It may seem that the price of brown eggs identical in white quality is not more than speculation on their more "natural" and natural appearance, but this assumption is not entirely true. Perhaps there are manufacturers playing on it, but most often the answer is that chickens with reddish brown feathers, carrying brown eggs, larger than white chickens and require more feed. These additional costs are compensated as you already guessed, a higher price at the grocery store.

One small nuance

To all that is said there is one small reservation. If you ever tried the eggs of home chickens, most likely they were brown and different from the shop richer taste and bright yellow yolk. Even in this case, it is not necessary to associate the best taste with a brown tint of the shell - the key point here will be the power and feed, which received a chicken, because it is this factor that plays the greatest role in the formation of the color of the yolk and taste of the egg in general.

Pictures on request the difference of white and brown chicken eggs

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