Decor and decorations for Easter with their own hands. Ideas


Easter time will come very soon. And as in many other holidays, it also needs to be prepared. Therefore, I suggest today to consider several options for how you can create decorations for the holiday with your own hands to meet it in full readiness. So, let's begin.

1. Ornaments from natural and natural materials

Very soon in many regions, the first leaves are selected, in some - the greens have already appeared. Well, how not to use such natural materials in work? So, in order to decorate the house, you can use twigs of trees with young leaflets - in this version, birch sprigs are ideal. For instance:


Figures bunny-rabbits can be found on the Internet or cut independently from wood and plywood, glue from several layers of cardboard and decorate in different techniques on their own.

Decor and decorations for Easter with their own hands. Ideas

Decor and decorations for Easter with their own hands. Ideas

Decor and decorations for Easter with their own hands. Ideas

Decor and decorations for Easter with their own hands. Ideas

2. Wire decorations

The main attribute and the holiday symbol is an egg, as a symbol of rebirth, as spring is a new round after winter sleep. And how not to create decorations - suspension, earrings and so on for yourself? Simple and unusually look such products. I propose to see a few examples of creating "nests" from wire and beads / cabochon in the technique Wirewrapp.

Decor and decorations for Easter with their own hands. Ideas

Decor and decorations for Easter with their own hands. Ideas

3. Home decorations

Once it has already seen a conversation about the nest, they can be decorated with a house. And the eggs painted on the holiday will be very impressive and canonically look in such a stand. I recommend using artificial materials to work. In online stores, as well as in such giants as Ozon, WB, you can find a variety of artificial materials - blanks that will allow you to decorate the house, while saving nature. For the same, work from artificial scenery will serve longer. I bring to your attention some similar jewelry:

Decor and decorations for Easter with their own hands. Ideas

Eggs can also be found artificial, created from various materials - plaster, wood or foam. You can drag them with ribbons, acrylic paints, sparkles and anything.

Decor and decorations for Easter with their own hands. Ideas

Decor and decorations for Easter with their own hands. Ideas

Decor and decorations for Easter with their own hands. Ideas

4. Baskets

Also one of the options of the decor, because it is necessary sometimes to add eggs somewhere? Here also burned for fantasy:

  • Painted under the tree newspaper tubes;
  • Jute threads that can be laid by various ornaments;
  • The product is completely made of wood;
  • A basket of artificial rattan;
  • From cardboard / paper;
  • And many others.

Decor and decorations for Easter with their own hands. Ideas

Decor and decorations for Easter with their own hands. Ideas

Decor and decorations for Easter with their own hands. Ideas

Decor and decorations for Easter with their own hands. Ideas

Decor and decorations for Easter with their own hands. Ideas

5. Bunny rabbits

The optional attribute of Easter, but which begins to be firmly justified in the modern world. Easter rabbit came to us from Europe, where the Easter bunny is a symbol of the holiday. On the other hand, this is a good way to please the children - giving them a soft toy created by their own hands. Here are various options - knitting on the spokes or crochet, stitched from the patchwork, in the style of Patchwork, created on coffee machinery from fabric and coffee and a lot, much more.

Decor and decorations for Easter with their own hands. Ideas

Decor and decorations for Easter with their own hands. Ideas

Decor and decorations for Easter with their own hands. Ideas

Decor and decorations for Easter with their own hands. Ideas

That's all today!

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