Picking from bone


Picking from bone

Probably, everyone who simply loves dates for their unique taste, would have dreamed of growing a bone dormitory. But will it be similar to that a plant that grows in natural conditions? Palm with bone is not so difficult, and for this you will not need to make special efforts. But the fruits on it are unlikely to ever see it, because such a plant is not fruit in room conditions. However, in order to grow such a palm, you need to know how to put a bone, and it is also necessary to remember the basic rules of care.

Picking from bone

Preparation of bone from the date to landing


To begin with, searching for high-quality planting material. To do this, you need to go to the store or market. You need to choose the dates very carefully. It is important to consider that they should not be subjected to preliminary treatments. It is best for this purpose to choose dates that were raised or dried.

Picking from bone

In order to increase the chances of a successful landing, it is better to use not one, but at once a few bones. Before entering the landing, their surface must be carefully free from the pulp. It should be remembered that even the slightest piece of the remaining pulp can lead to the fact that the mold will appear on the bone.

The purified bone must be put into the container with cold water for 2 days. Water must be systematically replaced. Then again it is necessary to explore the landing material for the subject of pulp residues. Now bones are ready for landing. Experienced flowers are recommended to speed up the appearance of a sprout to resort to the following tricks:

  1. Place the bone into a small container and pour hot water. Wait 10 minutes and remove it from the liquid. Thanks to this preparation, a young plant will appear only a few weeks after landing. By the way, without this procedure, you need to wait for months.
  2. Also, seven can be carefully pierced by a pointed object or thoroughly rub it about the sandpaper. This method will allow liquids to quickly get inside the seed. The result of this will be quite the emergence of sprout.

Before moving to the immediate landing of the density bone, it is necessary to prepare the most optimal conditions for the plant.



For the successful growth and development of the plant, it is necessary to choose the most suitable substrate for landing. So, it must be mandatory, as well as loose. The picnika has a fairly weak and fragile root system, so you should choose the most appropriate plumbing for its cultivation. This soil can be purchased in a specialized store. But it can also be done with your own hands. To do this, it is necessary to combine sawdust, humus, peat, as well as sand.



Planted the date is not at all difficult. To do this, it is necessary to lower the prepared bone to the vertically vertically, and after sprinkling the soil. Then the soil must be poured, while water should be used not a very large amount. After that, the pot is rearranged into a rather warm place. In order to plant a finney, you will not need any special tanks. You can take a pot, a large bowl, etc. After the rabbits are also a small piece of leaf and sprout, they will need to be transplanted into separate containers.


It is necessary to transplant the plant very carefully along with an earthen room. Try not to disturb the integrity of the root. If the root system was damaged, then such a seedling can be thrown out, as it does not fit in a new pot.


Palm palm trees is quite undemanding and noncaper. This plant reacts well to humidity, heat, as well as feeding. Fertilizers should be made in the soil several times in the year. Watering need moderately. Such palm has negatively reacts both towers and for the convergence of an earthen coma. In the summer, he is recommended to arrange a shower. Also, the palika needs direct sunlight.

Landing a palm tree, like a care for her will not cause many difficulties. And after a few months you will have a luxurious plant, grown with your own hands on the windowsill.

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