How to make rough heels velvet for 4 days: personal experience


How to make rough heels velvet for 4 days: personal experience

The problem of gross heels exists in many women. And it's not so easy to get rid of it.

I want to share my recipe and tips. And I can guarantee that from coarse skin on the heels you get rid of 1-4 days depending on the neglence of the problem.

It will take us just:

1. Cream for legs and feet, any, but better fat, with camphor

2. Grogger for grinding (not pumice! Not a grater with a tooth! And a grater, as in the photo)

3. 10 minutes of free time on the first day and 5 minutes on the other days.

First warnings:

- Never cut off the flap on the heels using a razor. She will grow very quickly and will become more rougher.

- Using the cream for heels without removing the burned skin-meaningless waste of cream and time.

- With all the advice - do not remove the coarse skin after the bath. Otherwise, together with the flabbing sites, you will remove both steplay normal skin. From this she will grow faster. It is necessary to remove damage particles to water procedures.

All this took not from the ceiling, not from the pages of other people's sites. I share my experience.

Now actually the procedure.

In one day, you won't give your heel in the divine view. But even if they are in your deplorable state - their kind of days after 5 you will be pleasantly surprised.

The first day.

In front of the shower or bath, smear the heels with cream, go a little bit. Then we wet a slightly with water and shook the excess water. It should be slightly wet. Start to treat dry heels to this damp grater. Heels in no way wet, otherwise there will be no effect. After a few seconds - usually from 10 to 20 - the old skin will start riding with the kat and disappear. If the process stops - flick slightly again and continue the procedure. Old oroging skin you will see your own eyes on a towel, or on the bottom of the bathroom, if you do it standing in the bathroom. Repeat the whole process 2-3 times. And today is enough. Heels have already become much better to look, isn't it?

Now take a shower, lubricate them with cream and leave alone.

And if they were only slightly harboring - everything you need for them, you have already done and with them should be all right.

Day second and all follow.

If the heels are not in order are not in order - just also, dry heels to treat a slightly damp grain in front of the shower or bathroom while the old skin is not rolling. After the shower, smear the cream. But today it is only one time. If the heels are not perfect - repeat the next day.

See yourself how much you need procedures, but usually to 4-5 days your heels are already looking like a baby even in the morning, and not only after the soul - soft, smooth, they are pleased to touch their fingers and stroke.

So on torture procedures with onions, putting on polyethylene packages on your feet, etc. You can forget once and forever. Remember: everything is simple! 5 minutes a day, cream, gravoch - and no more trouble. In the future, just follow the state of the heels and as needed to repeat the easy grinding. And, of course, do not forget to lubricate with cream in the mornings and after the shower.

Svetlana Allikas

A source

P.S. This method is tried on himself, confirm that the heels "like a baby" have become for 2 days. All beauty and health!

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