Furniture from cardboard and drawers do it yourself


This article for those who cannot fight with its creative gusts. Yes, what furniture is there to order, here - hands, there are, corks, boxes are, go ahead! Again!

Furniture from cardboard - A new trend in the RECYCLING movement, that is, in turning unnecessary to the right one. The craftsmen from all over the world make full-fledged furniture from ordinary cardboard boxes, and today we will see which one.

I am sure that you have repeatedly concerned the question of how you can use cardboard boxes, especially from under the technique of type refrigerators and televisions. They are such new, beautiful, durable. Sorry to throw out! A little bit, very little work - and you will have excellent furniture from cardboard.

Furniture from cardboard looks completely like ordinary furniture - for example, in the photo on the right you see the rack from ordinary cardboard boxes, inserted one into another, plated on the ends with paper tape and painted waterproof paint in white. This rack costs the hosts in the price of a liter canister of paint, and looks very worthy. As you can see, if you clean the cardboard well, the furniture becomes quite water-repellent and many vases with flowers can be placed.

Note the photo above and the photo on the left is that this furniture from cardboard is easy to disassemble - the boxes are not glued, but are connected by plastic clamps, such as those who use in street cafes so that the wind does not carry a tablecloth from the tables.

You probably have doubts that the furniture from cardboard is quite durable. I also had them. But I was convinced that if you take two boxes from under the technique (one slightly less than another) of a dense corrugated cardboard and insert one box to another, then the resulting "double" box turns out to be quite rigid design.

Furniture from cardboard is not intended for large loads, but drawing up books or accessories into it, as in the photo on the right, it is quite possible. As you can see in the photo, the cardboard does not bend under the weight of books, and the furniture from cardboard looks like a full-fledged purchase rack.

Of course, making furniture from cardboard must be carefully - carefully cut "closures" from the boxes, insert one box to another, if necessary, if a smaller box is too small, and a blank space remains between its walls and walls of a large box, pave this space by other sheets of cardboard . Crop the boxes so that their cut (shelves' ends) were smooth. Skin this cut paper scotchpie (you can first point it to be a smooth surface). To raise the place where the scotch and cardboard is closed. And carefully paint.

However, you can not paint furniture from cardboard, but to leave the remnants of the wallpaper:

Furniture from cardboard can be wrapped inside with a beautiful cloth, as in the photo on the left, and then to this fabric on the pins, trailers all sorts of accessories - photos, notes, reminders, etc. In the photo on the left, however, not furniture from cardboard, and furniture made from under wine, but the essence of the same.

To hide the furniture from cardboard with cloth, use the usual stationery buttons, well pressing them fabric.

Collecting together a lot of cardboard boxes and paint them in different colors, you will get excellent furniture for the nursery. Such cardboard furniture can help you very much for the period between moving and final repairs.

In such an improvised rack, many children's things will enter, and it will cost you about 500 rubles (Bank of white paint and several calves).

But it is especially important in the furniture from the cardboard that the kid itself can participate in its manufacture, and it will be very good.

If you are going to make furniture from cardboard not for saving considerations, but from creative - use different paints, fabrics, remnants of wallpaper, pieces of self-adhesive film, etc. Petray combination can be very beautiful, if you carefully pick up colors!

Furniture from cardboard, as I mentioned above, is an excellent solution for the nursery. Firstly, it is very cheap, so you can relax on the subject of damage. Secondly, it can be made anything, and this stimulates your and child fantasy.


It is difficult to believe, but the table in the photo on the left is also from the cardboard. Again inserted one into another cardboard boxes. They are glued together and are saved by self-adhesive film under the tree. What acts as a countertop, I did not quite understand - perhaps the chipboard board, and maybe there are also several layers of cardboard.

Furniture from cardboard has become so popular in the West, which agency appeared in Australia, which manufactures it on an industrial scale. In the photo on the right - a table of cardboard, fully made of secondary raw materials, that is, no one needs cardboard boxes. All cardboard furniture is very durable and can be used as ordinary furniture.

In order to be better seen that furniture from cardboard, the manufacturer does not paint it.


Well, in order not to get up twice, I will tell you in this article about the furniture from the boxes, which are used by trading networks for transportation and storage of products.

In the West, everyone just go crazy for such furniture, and on sites, where it is told how to make furniture from cardboard or from boxes, even write: "If you are lucky enough to find drawers from fruit or wine ..." Why was lucky - because retailers As a rule, relate to their property very tremble and try to squeeze out of the packaging maximum possible, the boxes are used to complete wear, so finding boxes in good condition is not easy.

But sometimes they can be obtained as a gift when buying wine in large volumes.

And then the Europeans expected to work to work in complete delight of Masters or the same racks as cardboard furniture in the photo above, or other interesting things.

Special chic is considered not to paint the boxes, but leave them in pristine form - with all scratches, the stamps of the former owner and stains. Boxes are only sandwiched to avoid the dominance, and their appearance remains the same.

It comes to the fact that famous designers, creating an environmental interiors, make custom furniture, imitating furniture from drawers, as in the photo above.

It is very fashionable to fasten to the drawer wheels and get a cot for a doll, as in the photo on the right, mobile nightstand or drawer for flowers, as in the photo below.

It is clear that applications from such a box on wheels can be a lot - for example, in this way we can make a serving table if you put boxes on the side.

Furniture from boxes can be almost any - here, for example, someone made for their living room and a coffee table, and a rack from the same boxes, painting their white paint.

My taste is rude, but it is obvious that the owner and sought this effect. In general, this is such an uneven, coarse color or the complete absence of such as in the photo above, is now in great fashion.

It is funny, but you can make furniture even from plastic boxes that are used to transport bottles as in the photo on the right. Adjust the legs from below, and from above - a pillow, and here you have a beautiful funny empty. Of course, he is not suitable for any interior.

You probably noticed in all photos in this article that the furniture from cardboard and from the boxes is not universal - it is suitable only to the interiors with a high proportion of humor, built on the nobility of the owners to all expensive and glamorous and on their love for everything ridiculous, homemade.

For example, one Spaniard made this bedside table from two plywood boxes, screwing on top of the old shelf and having painted acrylic paint alone. Nothing special, but pleasure is the process of manufacture. Plus, she does not stand anything, but the eye is still pleased.

Excellent wall shelves can be made of plywood or wooden boxes. It is very simple - saw the box, sand it and cover with varnish or paint according to your taste. Pastoral, cute, funny.


See which boxes for dishes can be made of fruit plywood boxes:

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