The artist invented a way of making pictures by cutting as small-colored threads as possible.


The author of all these works is Yuri Onishchenko from Ukraine (Kazatin). I asked Yuri to talk a little about the technique, I interviewed directly in the social network "Odnoklassniki".

Words of Yuri: "I am invented by a way of making pictures (so far in nature) by cutting as small-color multicolored threads from the most different material and applying them according to the scheme on the Fiberboard sheet. This technique I have already reached the applied of the shades.

I am engaged in these years. Tool that is used: scissors, PVA glue, wooden toothpick and talent. It is elementary simply and the pictures are rather beautiful, which is at a distance, about 1-1,5m, one cannot distinguish from those that are written by oil. I'm inreresally know, there is a colleague in this way of creativity? "

This is what Yuri writes:

On "Odnoklassniki" not all my work. In the manufacture of them, everything is very simple, as and cut off all the superior with a stone block. We purchase the framework of the desired size, basically I use 35 45 cm, but there is I60 to 90 and others. Under the frames of the frames, cut out from the fiberboard, so to speak, canvas. We insert it into the frame and celebrate the edges on the canvas, which went into the groove so that there were no places on the edges of the places in the future.

We apply to the canvas sketch (contours) of the future picture, its main elements, although even small details are important for beginners. Issue, for convenience and speed you can apply using a grid.

Having in front of the reproduction or photo of the picture you want to make, if you want, write, put finely chopped threads on the pre-applied PVA-K (concentrated) glue, for with liquid bad work. The grid is squares that are applied to the original drawing (reproduction) and the same canvas. Yes, for all the drawings on the canvas, use only a simple pencil, because if you apply the puzzle pen, then it can then come across through the glued threads. And already the drawing from the squares of the reproduction grid is transferred according to the squares of the canvas. So convenient and do not need to be cut to redraw. If you create a drawing from your head or from nature, then of course the grid will be nicely.

Threads are used any, from knitting to machines. Probably, you can use pieces of fabric, but I did not try, there is no need, the threads are enough, especially those who knit.

Slicing small threads is a very laborious process, especially if you do, just taking into the hands of the scissors. I use for this small plumbing vice, in which I clamp one of the handles of scissors, and so cut the threads that first add one to one in the strip length up to 15-20 cm, depending on the quantity of their required.

The length of the sliced ​​threads, their texture, mainly, depending on the idea of ​​the author, the share of the millimeter. The smaller the threads are cut, the better the drawing is obtained. Sliced, corresponding to the color of the thread take the fingers and sprinkle the desired canvas section or create a color background.

Also, for applying small parts from naturally a small amount of threads, I use wooden toothpicks, a very convenient and affordable tool, and the threads bring me all my friends who no longer knit, and thread sorry. Lacking colors can be bought in the store.

Claimed threads neatly "pour" fingers to the canvas. So you can apply the main colors on it and let dry for several hours. If you make sure that the glued threads are dried, then extra threads that are not glued, you can "smear" a conventional brush for cleaning clothes.

After that, we put on the places that are not missed. Reverse waiting for drying. Then, but this is already the "highest pilot", whose skills appear after great practice, can be applied to the already dried colors appropriate shades. That's probably all. I will say that if you look at the finished picture from a distance of 1-1,5m, then it is very difficult to distinguish it from painted by oil.

Yuri complements his story: "Such an idea came to me in the head of greed: I was sorry for it was to throw a large number of threads, which remained from the hobbies of my home knitting and embroidery. I think this is not a simple application (Aplikatio - Fr., stick), namely writing paintings. Of course, besides the execution technique, you need to have some inclinations to drawing.

There is no more of my work anywhere, except for the department store in my city, where for the year with 15 pieces, they sold 3. The arts need only immersive, i.e., its manufacturers themselves. I can write on my email. Mail: [email protected].

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