Music - weed healthy health


Music - weed healthy health

Very widespread weed - the star is medium, in Russian, it is called phriches - due to the fact that she is wet to the touch. It gives a lot of trouble to summer houses, laid off their escapes and beds, and trees. Meanwhile, this is a recognized medicinal plant.

The raw material is the above-ground part, which is collected during flowering and dried in a well-ventilated room, decomposing a thin layer.

Mocrica has anti-inflammatory, coronary-witting, moderate choleretic and diuretic effect. It is used to treat chronic liver diseases, bile and urolithiasis, with inflammatory diseases of the bronchi and lungs, for the treatment of the initial stage of hypertensive disease and ischemic heart disease. In these cases, it is recommended in fresh form to add to salads. The decoction is prescribed for baths in the swelling of the legs and in the form of a row for the treatment of diathesis.

Used in the form of infusion or decoction. Infusion is prepared from 1 tablespoon of dry raw materials, pouring it with a glass of boiling water. It insists half an hour, flickering, take 1/3 cup 3 times a day. You can use for the preparation of infusion and fresh grass, only you need to take it more - 2 tablespoons, or squeeze juice out of it.

Elena Malankin, Dr. S.-H. science

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