Bracelet on foot: why and how to wear


Bracelet on foot: why and how to wear

Few, who knows that the Anchlet (leg bracelet) is not just another chapter in fashion history. This accessory himself has a rich history, and therefore it is necessary to wear it with the mind and for all the rules.

Increasingly in fashionable catalogs, jewelry stores, and even in modern historical films you can see a new unusual accessory - bracelets on foot, or, as they are also called, the surcharges. Although, "new" is, perhaps, not the word. For many, this decoration is, rather, a reminder of the era of the dashing 90s, the era of a crazy mixing of various cultures, trends and flows. But be that as it may, this year, designers of the leading fashion houses decided to re-enter the surcharges forgotten in 20 years and turn this accessory in the Must-had every girl.

History of Anklets and their symbolic meaning

Bracelet on foot: Why and how to wear it

The latest fashion shows demonstrated several models of foot bracelets, as well as how and with what is best to combine. So, the chloe designers as an accessory on his feet presented thin gold chains and offered to combine them with bright beach slippers, and Marc Jacobs delivered another vision: the brand calls to wear oriental surchaelets woven from two chains, with classic black shoes.

But in the world of fashion models of the Anchlets is incredibly diverse: they can be made of gold, silver, leather, plastic, nylon, pearls, beads and shells. At the same time, as already mentioned, a foot bracelet is not just a decoration. This is an ancient accessory, and his story is worth knowing every fashionista.

Bracelet on foot: Why and how to wear it

In the West, the surchaelets entered the fashion only in the 20th century, while in the east the culture of wearing foot bracelets goes to the distant past. The first samples of ancient decoration were found during the excavations of the Sumerian tomb. Sumerian jewelers made bracelets from various metals and decorated them with precious stones.

In ancient Egypt, the Anchlet could tell a lot about the material situation and the social status of his hostess. As a rule, wives of wealthy men showed a golden or silver bracelet on their leg, decorated with precious stones, while slaves and versators wear offens from leather, cheap metals and seashells.

Bracelet on foot: Why and how to wear it

But the biggest popularity of the surcharges used, of course, in ancient India. The bracelet could point out the material status of a woman, and could serve her with a simple decoration. Among the Indian dancers was especially common, a thin and flexible bracelet - "Piyal", which often decorated with bells, who were given tender bell sounds with dance. "Piyaly" still in the go: especially among the abdominal dancers.

Today, the surcharges are an essential attribute of the wedding image of the Indian Bride along with Sari and many other jewels.

Step to the right, step left: on which leg wearing a bracelet

Bracelet on foot: Why and how to wear it

Today, in the era of the complete mixing of styles and blur of cultural borders, all these stereotypes and traditions gradually disappear. That is why by and large does not matter what leg to wear an inlet.

But sophisticated fashionistas, perhaps, some of the subtleties of wearing ankleta will be interesting.

Like a wedding ring, once the Anchlet was a gift of the bride groom and was considered a symbol of love and strong marriage. The brides and wife wore a bracelet on her left leg, but girls of easy behavior - on the right.

Bracelet on foot: Why and how to wear it

But in Christian culture, the left side is considered to be a devilish, so wearing a bracelet on the left leg - a kind of symbol of Satan's worship. But it does not work on the right leg: on one of the versions, it is a sign that the owner of the decoration is an adherent of unconventional sexual orientation. So to which camp join - to solve you.

Bracelet on foot: Why and how to wear it

Types of marks and how they still wear them

Today to buy an inlet is not a problem, jewelry stores offer models for every taste, color and wallet. It is easy to purchase this decoration, but in order to wear it correctly and create a stunning image with it, you have to try.

Golden surchas. Of course, the gold bracelet, and even decorated with precious stones, is an indicator of good wealth and a luxurious lifestyle. Usually golden surcharges are made in the form of a thin chain, which is wound around the legs into one or two rows. Golden surchaelets are recommended to wear adult women and, of course, only in special cases. Meeting with friends in a cafe or a walk through the beach, of course, it does not apply to such cases. But a soul dinner or a secular party is an excellent reason. Golden decoration can be demonstrated in a pair with classic shoes.

Bracelet on foot: Why and how to wear it

Silver surchaelets. Silver bracelets are perfectly suitable for a casual-style and add a small note of boho chic. Such a decoration will certainly suit young girls. Combine them with summer sandals and boldly run to conquer the big city!

Large bead surges are ideal for creating an ethnic or boho-image. Wearing such bracelets best with beach sandals or slippers.

Bracelet on foot: Why and how to wear it

Piyal marks. This is an Indian foot bracelet that is connected to the chain with a ring on the finger, imitating sandals - only without sole. Such a bracelet is ideal for barefoot walks. And he will become a stylish accessory, for brides who have decided to play a wedding on the beach.

Charm's surchas. Such models have become popular relatively recently, after the Pandora jewelry brand introduced bracelets decorated with original removable key rugs, or charm. Charm can be absolutely different shapes, colors and sizes: nominal, in the shape of a heart or stars, laconic beads or playful ringlets. What will happen on your anclate is to solve you.

And a few more additional rules

Bracelet on foot: Why and how to wear it

If you decide to pamper yourself and buy a foot bracelet, then the first thing you should think about is that this is suitable for decoration to your own style. If most of the day you go to a business suit, then, perhaps, to buy an anchlet from the idea of ​​buying. But if there is at least one light ethnic outfit in your closet - then running to the store.

Wearing the surchaelets standing with mini skirts, short dresses, shorts in the style of Casual, with legginsmi or jeans - in short, with all that opens your elegant ankles.

The legs should also be prepared. In order for the anchlet to look really beautiful, the legs should be well maintained: no corns, dryness and always perfect, preferably a bright pedicure.

Bracelet on foot: Why and how to wear it

Do not wear an inqual in the office, especially if you are working in a large company. Your colleagues, and what is even more terrible - the bosses may regard it as a violation of business etiquette. We have an idea better. Want to boast your golden bracelet before colleagues? Demonstrate your new accessory on corporate.

Some eccentric fashionista prefer sometimes wear offens over stockings or socks. But if you are not one of them, try to still refrain from such solutions and wear an inlet on a naked anklet.

If you have thin ankles, you can safely wear thin metal or plastic surchaelets. But if this is not the case, and you would like to visually narrow your legs, then bracelets with small hanging blocks will accurately help you in this.

Bracelet on foot: Why and how to wear it

Stars love

At the party after awarding the Golden Globe Actress and singer Jennifer Lopez came in a yellow dress with a breathtaking section, demonstrating not only gorgeous slender legs, but also an elegant diamond march, which was ideally combined with naked shoes.

Bracelet on foot: Why and how to wear it

Bracelet on foot: Why and how to wear it

Bracelet on foot: Why and how to wear it

Bracelet on foot: Why and how to wear it

Bracelet on foot: Why and how to wear it

Bracelet on foot: Why and how to wear it

Bracelet on foot: Why and how to wear it

Bracelet on foot: Why and how to wear it

Bracelet on foot: Why and how to wear it

Bracelet on foot: Why and how to wear it

Bracelet on foot: Why and how to wear it

Bracelet on foot: Why and how to wear it

Bracelet on foot: Why and how to wear it

Bracelet on foot: Why and how to wear it

Bracelet on foot: Why and how to wear it

Bracelet on foot: Why and how to wear it

Bracelet on foot: Why and how to wear it

While visiting the Gallery of Santa Monica, Actress Ashley Olsen was dressed in leather leggings, a white turtleneck and a brown coat, and on its ankles there were two gold ankletes with a combination with classic shoes.

Bracelet on foot: Why and how to wear it

Bracelet on foot: Why and how to wear it

Bracelet on foot: Why and how to wear it

Bracelet on foot: Why and how to wear it

Bracelet on foot: Why and how to wear it

Bracelet on foot: Why and how to wear it

Bracelet on foot: Why and how to wear it

Pop Diva Rihanna shared with his fans photos in Instagram, on which the singer demonstrates the vintage marks from Chanel. By the way, the surcharge girl obviously loves. Ryri even made a tattoo in the form of a favorite decoration.

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