Man-made butterflies from natural materials


Man-made butterflies from natural materials

I want to tell you about the talented master, the hope of Maksimovna Rudenko.

Nadezhda Maksimovna - the author of a new type of art "Nymphalide". What is her creativity?

She creates butterflies!

Oh, what kind of creatures are unimaginable creatures, very, very beautiful. The breeze of the breeze will penetrate the blow to the room, the butterfly of the wings will place, will grow and fly away, conquer nature with its perfection. And only the memory of the beauty created by the hands of a talented wizard will remain.

Butterfly - ephemeral creatures, their eyelids, but the hands of Hope Maksimovna embody this beauty in exact copies created from natural materials.

So the leaves of the trees and auxilies of birds turn into the wings, the fruits of plants turn into a shaggy abdomen.

Many natural materials, paints, months of painstaking work and here is the birth of a butterfly.

A real creative person, Nadezhda Maximovna, is always in search and training. The use of new modern materials in conjunction with the entomology of entomology allows you to create not only models of existing butterflies, but also fantasy creatures that can be ever repeat and nature.

Why did I call the publishing butterfly named "Hope" - you ask?

Because the work of Hope Maximovna is very valued by the entomologists of Russia and foreign countries.

In 2010, the Russian traveler, an entomologist, Victor Sinyaev discovered a new appearance of the butterfly in Peru. And in gratitude to the hope of Maksimovna for titanic labor, real enthusiasm and 20 years of devotion to his art, he called this butterfly with hope.

German entomologists Ronald Brehlin and Frank Meister described a new appearance of this butterfly and gave her the name Gamelia Nadezhdae - Gameliya Hope.

Here is this butterfly.

Man-made butterflies from natural materials

Many butterflies created by the hope of Maximovsky live in museums, in private collections.

Now the master is working on a new collection, the personal exhibition of which is scheduled for next year in the city of Biysk. There will be not only butterflies, but also Fairy dolls. Another hope of Maksimovna holds master classes and training, but unfortunately until it is available to many, since for some reason it cannot leave far from our city.

In the meantime, I propose to admire you with this beauty, created by the hands of a talented master!

This creation is the butterfly model "Bhwnik Sinyeyeva", it is named after the Entomologist Viktor Sinyev, who discovered and described it in 2001, the work is one of the most difficult, the model was created for about 3 months.

Man-made butterflies from natural materials

Man-made butterflies from natural materials

Man-made butterflies from natural materials

Man-made butterflies from natural materials

Man-made butterflies from natural materials

Man-made butterflies from natural materials

Man-made butterflies from natural materials

Man-made butterflies from natural materials

Man-made butterflies from natural materials

Man-made butterflies from natural materials

Man-made butterflies from natural materials

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