Kitchen towels poison people: or throw out, or 2 times a week do this ...


"The use of one and the same kitchen towel for 7 days can cause serious food poisoning!" - Scientists of the University of Mauritius came to such a disappointing conclusion. Indeed, well, who of us, even the most conscientious owners, wipes the towel only arms? When working in the kitchen, work is boiling, the faithful kitchen towel will fit for hands, and that crumbs from the table to be shedding, and wet plates wipe, and grab the hot pan.

How to wash kitchen towels

If you still change the towels not more than once a week, we will convince you to do it regularly and on time! The editors will tell who lives on your kitchen textile and how to properly care for the kitchen accessories to avoid the destructive impact on their health and health of households.

Towels for kitchen

During the experiment, scientists were analyzed by the state of 100 kitchen towels, which used different families during the month. The income in the family, and the number of households, and the presence of children in the house were taken into account. It turned out that the greatest danger represents the towels, which were used on the principle of multifunctionality: that is, they wiped their hands, dishes, surfaces and used as tacks.

In addition, the most dangerous experts ranked wet towels: "On such kitchen towels we found Enterococci, Golden Staphylococcus and Salmonella."

how to wash kitchen towels so that there is no smell

When you wipe in such a towel of crumbs from the table or, for example, a simple water after washing eggs, and then hands, Pathogenic microorganisms , chosen a wet towel, easily fall into your body, causing serious poisoning and food disorders. You can wash the dishes before the screenshot, but it is worth wiped the plates with a multifunctional kitchen towel - and all the efforts will go to the pump.

Scientists concluded that the growth of bacteria was observed at 49% of the kitchen towels, which increased in proportion to the number of family members. In addition, the largest number of pathogenic organisms on kitchen utensils was revealed in families with children, families with lower socio-economic status, as well as in homes where meat food prefers.

how to wash kitchen towels

The conclusion suggests simple: pay due attention to hygiene and observe Order in the kitchen ! To eliminate the growth of pathogenic bacteria, textile towels must be changed at least 2 times a week, or even more often. Only so can ensure that the bacteria that fell on the towel during re-using it does not fall on clean dishes or kitchen surfaces.

Alternatively, you can use sterile disposable paper towels, which are simply emitted after use. This pleasure is not cheap, but guarantees complete sterility in the kitchen.

Kitchen towels wash

But why spend money on a fabulously expensive paper towels, if you can learn how to carefully care for reusable textiles? Our editors will share with you secrets, how to wash even the most fearful kitchen towels to the perfect state.

How to wash kitchen towels

Of course, dirty towels are easiest to wash in a washing machine, and it is enough to resort to special ways and means 1 time per month, if the towels are too worn out and stained.

  1. Salt

    Easy salt will help to get rid of resistant spots of coffee or, for example, tomatoes will help. In 5 liters of water, the 5 tbsp. l. Salts and turntables Kitchen accessories in the resulting solution for an hour. After just put the towels manually or in a typewriter. By the way, a very concentrated saline solution will help to deliver snow-white kitchen towels, even from the wines old spots.

    How to quickly wash kitchen towels

  2. Laundry soap

    A penny soap once or two will cope with the most different stains, including the color and white towels from the spots of fat. Carefully sodium dirty kitchen napkins with a household soap and wrap in a plastic bag for the night. After that, it's a pretty post and firing the product.

  3. Vegetable oil

    This trick almost always copes even with the oldest pollution. In the 10-liter saucepan of 5-7 liters of water. When water boils, turn off the fire and add to the liquid 2 tbsp. l. washing powder, 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil and as much of any stain remover or bleach. Pretty mixed with a solution. In the pan, put the dirty towels, hind a little, cover the lid and wait until the water cools down. Then get the towels from the pan and, without pressing, placing them in a washing machine for washing. The oil contributes to a lighter removal of stains, without leaving behind himself and the trace.

    How To Wash White Kitchen Towels

  4. Ammonia

    The dyes dirty kitchen textiles in the solution from the ammonia and water in the ratio of 1: 1 per hour and then carefully post. You will see: Spots from tea and coffee dissolve in front of her eyes!

  5. Silicate glue

    Silicate glue based solution is perfect for the removal of stains, but only on white textile. 1/4 pieces of economic soap and 1 tbsp. l. Silicate glue is being laid in 5 liters of water. Boil dirty kitchen towels in the resulting solution about half an hour. After, of course, post either in a washing machine or manually.

    What to wash kitchen towels

  6. Hydrogen peroxide

    Hydrogen peroxide perfectly copes with the solar stains of completely different origin. Meaching dirty areas in solution, leave half an hour, and then post the towel in the usual way.

  7. Bleaching in mustard powder

    How to wash the towels and remove the stains, figured out. And how to return the whiteness to yellowed kitchen towels without boiling? You will be surprised, but beautifully whitening properties have a penny mustard powder. There is a powder to launch hot water to the state of thick casher, and then apply to wet towels for 6-8 hours. After that, just post a towel in a washing machine or hands. This trick will help not only whiten, but also to disinfect the losing sight of the towel.

    How to wash very dirty kitchen towels

The kitchen towel is a thing that should always be at hand. And so that the towels you use during the day, do not spoil your shabby atmosphere of the kitchen and even more so did not have a refuge for microbes, follow our simple recommendations. Clean in the kitchen - Pledge of a good mood of the hostess and the health of households!

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