7 errors of the image that make you older and thicker!


Pictures on request 7 errors in the image, which make you older and thicker !!!


Create a demotivator

For a long time, a simple truth is known that the first impression of people produce our appearance. And it is very important that what you wear emphasized your advantages.

Each woman should know the basic stylistic techniques that can help her look young and attractive, to emphasize the merits of their appearance and adjust the shortcomings. So that your age is your powerful ally, not an enemy. These tricks are important to know! After all, if you wear an incorrect length skirt, or choose an incorrect style in your clothes, or wear a hairstyle that does not match your face or age - it can all visually add you 10 extra or 5 extra kilograms.

Naturally, we can all make mistakes. You just need to learn to notice and correct them. We offer some of the most common style errors that can throw you years and visually make you thicker.

1. Too much black

Black in clothes can be very elegant. Who does not remember the little black dress! But it is important to remember that the black color can also become very old. And if you are no longer 16 and not even 32, then you should definitely add bright accessories to black. When we are older, our skin becomes more pale and loses elasticity. Wearing black clothes can emphasize it. The same applies to black hair.

Dark hair color is not suitable in order to look younger. Color your hair in warm shades of brown, light or darker - as you like. Only one thing will allow you to look like 5 years younger! All this, of course, does not mean that you can't wear black. Just do not forget to decorate it with a bright scarf or necklace.

2. Too bulk clothes
You should not try to hide the shortcomings of the shape of baggy clothing. Such style in clothes will make you look bigger than you really are. If you think that for bulk clothes you can hide your excess fat, then you are very mistaken! Buying clothes in size - that's what should be your iron rule when choosing clothes in the store. Just find the style that improves your shape and stick it.
3. Too long skirts

You do not have to forget about short skirts just because you become older! If you have beautiful legs, then why should they hide? Under maxi, as you know, only "unsuccessful" legs hide. And the skirts until the middle of the legs are actually fit well only to young girls, an adult woman they can make visually older. So forget the undefined clumsy lengths. Choose the skirts to the knees or just below or slightly above the knee. You will see as far as it will be better!

4. Inappropriate frame scroll
If you wear glasses, it is especially carefully picking a frame, so that it is best suited to your face form. Do not buy the first rim, even if it seemed to you on the showcase! Take a look at the magazines first and find out what is now in fashion, and then choose from the fashionable assortment what you come.

Go to the Optics Salon and closely try different rims. Points are important! Incorrect and not fashionable Ribrava will immediately throw you a lot of years. Glasses is the accessory that you wear constantly and for a long time. Even if they are expensive, they are worth it.

5. Wrong Shopping Partner

Yes, oddly enough! The very person with whom you go shopping to update your wardrobe - it is almost half of the success. Come to the selection of a companion for a hike to the wise shop. You need someone who can give you enough time in the store and tell you the truth, whose opinion you can rely on. True, it is necessary that with all this he possessed and a good taste. If you have such a person - it's just great! And if not - then you will have to become for yourself.

6. Beware of the shoes on the platform
The platform never comes out of fashion, but it does not mean that the shoes on the platform will look good on you just because it is fashionable. If you are already an adult woman and your legs are prone to edema, then the shoes on the platform can make your legs visually even more plump. Choose elegant shoes on the heels - and you will see how best it will look like.
7. Scarves

If you think that a silk scarf tied around the neck is an excellent accessory to any costume, we must remind you that it is not the 60s, and you are not a stewardess. Instead of tagging the scarf on the neck, take it better on the handle handle.

And you can always add a perch in your image with an elegant or, on the contrary, massive brooches or necklaces. Compliments will not make himself wait - you will see!

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