LESSON OF CHRISTING SHEVY, who will teach the rope from the residue of the fabric, useful in the economy


Needlework from fabric residues is an interesting and noble occupation. In addition, that the second life is given to old things and tissue residues, you can make a good for free to get used in everyday life. Honestly, I am very pleased with people who are reasonably useful resources and take care of the environment. Today I want to tell about how to make a rope from the remains of the fabric and that can be created from it.


Needlework from tissue residues

All sorts of loskutka can be turned into a bunch of different things. It has long been a popular sewing technique in the style of Patchwork. Needlewomen create bright bedspreads, blankets, sometimes bags and wardrobe items in this way. Possible negligence in the choice of colors and fragments of the fabric gives a special charm product.

LESSON OF CHRISTING SHEVY, who will teach the rope from the residue of the fabric, useful in the economy

A very useful thing in terms of reskelling can be a rope from the remains of fabric or unnecessary things. Only imagine how much you can do from it: to tie, sew, weave that the soul will wish. For example, I really like wicker laundry baskets. Usually they are made of durable twin or tolstoy rope. Frankly, the rope from the remains of textiles is no less durable. And another basket from such a rope will be the only instance.

How to make such a rope? Some simply cut the fabric or old clothes on the strips and bind them among themselves. Often, such yarns knit thick crochet mats. They are quite unusual, but very bright and cozy. Such mats can be seized in the bathroom or in the hallway, on the balcony or in the kitchen. By the way, I would have made such litters on solid wooden chairs or stools.

There is one more option to make a rope from fabric more durable. I strongly recommend making a bath mat exactly from such a rope. Now I will quickly tell you how everything is done. And at the bottom I will attach the video how to make a rug made of homemade rope.

How to make a pad for the bathroom

You will need

  • Fabric residues
  • Kapron rope
  • sewing machine
  • Pins
  • scissors
  1. Prepare fabric. Calculate pieces of fabric on a strip of 2-3 width. If it is old clothes, first some kind of feet, armies, neck, seams.

    LESSON OF CHRISTING SHEVY, who will teach the rope from the residue of the fabric, useful in the economy

  2. Wake up the end of the cape rope with one ribbon. Form a middle carpet. In this case, the square mat. Main scraping pins.

    LESSON OF CHRISTING SHEVY, who will teach the rope from the residue of the fabric, useful in the economy

  3. In order to flash a carpet on a typewriter, you need to configure it. Use a thick needle and a wide leg, choose a zigzag mode. Zigzag must be maximum to capture the edges of the rope. Now it is easy to middle mat.
  4. Gradually wrap the chopped ribbons on the Kapron rope and shoot each side of the square.

    LESSON OF CHRISTING SHEVY, who will teach the rope from the residue of the fabric, useful in the economy

  5. So that the carpet turned out in the end is square, you need to pull up to the top, otherwise, when you finish sewing, the rug will turn out round. Of course, you can sew a rug and round, and rectangular, and oval, at least an asterisk. But in this case, when the line comes to the angle, it must be tightened back and strain. So the beautiful sharp corners are obtained.

    LESSON OF CHRISTING SHEVY, who will teach the rope from the residue of the fabric, useful in the economy

  6. You can wind the tissue on the cord or in the sewing process. In order to get a 70 cm rug, you will need 90 m of the Kapron rope. It is important to choose such a rope that is under force to see your sewing machine. But you can, of course, and manually do it, however, it will take more time.

    LESSON OF CHRISTING SHEVY, who will teach the rope from the residue of the fabric, useful in the economy

  7. Hide the edge edge can be self-made looped or stripe. Here is such a handsome man.

    LESSON OF CHRISTING SHEVY, who will teach the rope from the residue of the fabric, useful in the economy

I am insanely like this work, and I gladly looked at the educational video of the needlewoman. And I recommend it to you too. The author of the channel "sewed was" available and quickly tells about all the nuances of the needlework.

The idea to turn old things into something completely new excitement of the imagination of creative people. Thanks to them, we will learn a lot of new and interesting things, and as a result, this has a beneficial effect on the environment. Did you like the idea?

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