Almost about intimate ...


Almost an intimate. Do not be afraid, I'm just - about soft, cozy, but nevertheless very personal - about pillows. Because a special mission is prepared by this subject of our environment. We hug a pillow when we are lonely, in it crying from the resentment, she is telling her secrets, from those who never under any conditions ... The most amazing thing happens not only in childhood and youth ... The pillow knows us with relaxed and unprotected, squash and sick ... And yes, this item loves mostly women and children. Probably because we have a lot of them and we beat them, decorate, admire. And they do all women in the world. Do not believe? And in vain ...

Well, as a confirmation of all the above - new outfits for pillows. Name them with memorable. Because I suggest use for sewing and jewelry small patchworks from expensive things for us. Just bows

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And from the grandmother's (or mom) of the tissue inheritance and the napkins connected by their hands, this wonderful pillow can be built

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From the scarf or handker, which supported us in the cold season for several years in a row:

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Canding beautiful with large knitting needles. I can not do that (-:

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For balances of yarn good idea

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And knitting, and embroidery + stitches are new. If not mistaken, these thick strands are called parcel. And jokes in how they are nurts-sews - original stitches

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Also curious things: round, dense. And throw easily in naughty

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and in bright colors

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This pillow pleasantly surprised me and cheered up. I have cotton pullovers, thick, almost clumsy, but sitting on the figure well. And yet, their time passed. And in such a capacity, they will also serve, I think so. And crosses from the rope knitted, the pillow looks great

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Pechwork-flap Theme Favorite. You can also be associated for the pillow.

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Idea for Pechsor Tissue

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Family idea, as I love. We supply the hands of all family members, cut them out of the fabric, are climbing on the pillowcase, somewhere in hand - embroider! Adorable family idea. And, I think, a good addition to a wedding gift. And students leaving to study in another city

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Here, of course, the flowers are drawn on the fabric - now there are no problems with it. But you can also lay out from organza / chiffon

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Loomed Round Motives - Well look at the pillow

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Pillows - Two. Decent couple for our sofa

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As it turns out, the costume fabrics are suitable and very for pillowcase if the last stitched with love

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Linen-rude, but very cute

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And the master class: a pillow with peasor petals. You can still sew from cotton. And from velvet or jeans of different shades of Indigo will be a masterpiece

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How to treat flaps

4045361_lep2 (659x370, 119Kb)


How to collect a flower

4045361_lep3 (645x335, 137Kb)

Everything. I hope everything is clear and understandable. And, of course, easy and simple. Like I love

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