Plastic forks for growing strawberries and strawberries


The greatest damage of urgent strawberries apply mushroom diseases (mostly gray rot), viral lesions, as well as a strawberry tick. So, from gray rot, it comes to unusable to 80% of the berries.

To prevent damage to the strawberries of strawberries, a lot of measures are taken by a lot of different efficiency. Of many effective measures, one of the most simple methods that significantly reduce the loss of berries can be distinguished and increase the yield of exercise for the cultivation of strawberries.

The method is to accommodate flowerons on plastic forks mounted by teeth up. Flowerines are steadily secured between the fork's teeth. It is possible to catch the 2 medium-sized teeth if the color of the large thickness.

Coloros is preferably located so that it is better illuminated by sunlight. We strongly recommend removing up to 1/3 of the leaves, which shadow the flowerons. Old dark-green leaves and leaves affected by various diseases (spotlights and others) are admitted.

Old and sick leaves are ineffective in the process of photosynthesis, and in their lives require meals. TO

The same, thickening bushes of strawberries, they contribute to the development of gray rot. The leaves on the bushes need to be removed into several techniques, not simultaneously.

This method is easy to use, does not require large financial, temporary and labor costs, and its effectiveness is significant. It is possible in small plantations in the preservation site.

The meaning is as follows:

1. The frothy patterns are not in contact with the soil in which there are pathogenic mushrooms.

2.Goods are well blown away from all sides by air and the surface is dry. No need for the development of humidity mushrooms.

3.Good, placed freely and elevated, are better illuminated by sunlight, which significantly speeds up their maturation.

The method showed high efficiency on its application. We recommend all the farmers who grow this beautiful berry in their site.

P.S. Forks work to increase the harvest and the growth of the owner's income. The cost of packing from 12 forks is 5.5 rubles (one plug costs 45 kopecks). Cost 1 gram of 25 kopecks. The cost of saved flowers from seven berries is significant.

From comments:

Galina Mallozina

In the spring she read the same advice, only it is necessary to break the average teeth. I bought more forks more, rising a teeth and substituted under the patterns. The result is all the berries are even on the rain. I'm sooo satisfied with the result! I have gianthell basically huge berries, very cool looks on forks!

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